Band 8 Sample: Some young people like to copy the behavior and clothes of famous people today.Why might this be the case? What problems can it cause?

Band 8 Sample: Some young people like to copy the behavior and clothes of famous people today.Why might this be the case? What problems can it cause?

Introductory Statement:

Raising to a level of fame gives one the power to influence the masses at a significant level. As the famous saying goes, “With great power comes great responsibility”. It becomes necessary to execute those powers wisely when it has the potential to doctor the young generation’s minds which are still getting chiseled. The teenagers and pre-teens are attracted to these celebrities like a moth to a light. They try to mimic the lifestyle of these celebrities to the point that it overshadows their original character and personality. Be it how they dress or how they live. Using this essay, we will first discuss why this is happening. And secondly, we will shed light on the potential problems it might cause.

Body Paragraph 1:

The reason celebrities are able to exercise their influence is mainly because of social media and the internet. The Internet has enabled them to share almost all parts of their life which has ten-folded their power. Posts about what they wear, what they eat, what they drive and who they date are now reaching young pupils with no moral filter. We can take example of Instagram, Facebook and YouTube where celebrities openly advertise a life of materialism and riches, the same which are not achievable without sincere hard-work and discipline. The young always get attracted to the end result which is success and fame and not to the struggle that it takes.

Body Paragraph 2:

Influence of famous people can cast a dark shadow on the young generation. Teens, pre-teens and young adults that are still students start adopting a lifestyle which they can’t afford. Rather than converging towards a life of principle, character and self-discipline they move towards another ways. They pave the path towards shallow morality, gun-culture, drug-use, profanity and much more. The young start threading this lifestyle into their own. And go as far as to forget their own culture and tradition. This creates a huge gap in society and a debt in the future. An example of a study done in 2020 by IndiaTimes Magazine clearly shows that with wide adoption of the Internet, there was an increase in school drop-outs, decrease in average marks of State Board Exams.


Having mentioned the reasons and causes, it is clear that famous people have a great power of influence and it becomes their responsibility to exercise that power with caution. The same caution and accountability that the celebrities hold can flourish the young generation into a civilised and better humans for the future.

Band 8 Sample: Some young people like to copy the behavior and clothes of famous people today.Why might this be the case? What problems can it cause?

Band 8.5 Sample: Some people say patriotism causes problems and is negative overall. Others feel that it is beneficial for society at large. Do the advantages of patriotism outweigh its disadvantages?

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