‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

Here are explanations of the Questions of passage named ‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’, which is from the Cambridge 18 book. The Questions that have been asked are ‘Blanks, ‘finding information’ and ‘finding researchers name’ You will find the locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords(highlighted and underlined) and justifications.

READING PASSAGE 3: ‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’

Question  Answer
 27 C
 28 F
 29 A
 30 E
 31 B
 33 FUEL
 36 C
 37 D
 38 B
 39 D
 40 A


Reading Passage 3 has six sections, A-F

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet.

27. a reference to the cooperation that takes place to try and minimise risk

Location: C paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘That means companies, governments and other players in space are collaborating in new ways to avoid a shared threat…’ Here, ‘collaborating’ and ‘cooperation’ are synonyms. In addition, ‘minimise risk’ and ‘avoid shared threat’ means the same. Thus, the answer is C.

Answer: C

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

28. an explanation of a person’s aims

Location: F paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last two lines of the paragraph. ‘I want to make space a place that is safe to operate, that is free and useful for generations to come…’ Here, Jah states that his aim is to make space a place that is safe to operate. Thus, the writer explains about the Jah’s aim.

Answer: F

29. a description of a major collision that occurred in space

Location: A paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the first twolines of the second paragraph. ‘Ten years ago, a US commercial Iridium satellite smashed into an inactive Russian communications satellite called Cosmos-2251, creating thousands of new pieces of space shrapnel that now threaten other satellites in low Earth orbit-the zone stretching up to 2.000 kilometres in altitude…’ Here, ‘US commercial Iridium satellite smashed into an inactive Russian communications satellite…’ refers to ‘major collision’. Thus, the answer is A.

Answer: A

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

30. a comparison between tracking objects in space and the efficiency of a transportation system

Location: E paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last second line of the paragraph. ‘Think about a busy day at an airport, says Moriba Jah, an astrodynamicist at the University of Texas at Austin: planes line up in the sky, landing and taking off close to one another in a carefully choreographed routine. Air-traffic controllers know the location of the planes down to one metre in accuracy. The same can’t be said for space debris. Not all objects in orbit are known, and even those included in databases are not tracked consistently…’Here, ‘planes line up in sky…’ refers to the tracking of objects. Moreover, ‘same can’t be said for space debris’ that means databases cannot be tracked in case space debris.

Answer: E

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

31. a reference to efforts to classify space junk

Location: B paragraph

Explanation: This question can be answered after understanding the overall perspective of the paragraph. ‘Concern about space junk goes back to the beginning of the satellite era, but the number of objects in orbit is rising so rapidly that researchers are investigating new ways of attacking the problem.Several teams are trying to improve methods for assessing what is in orbit, so that satellite operators can work more efficiently in ever-more-crowded space…’.here ‘methods’ means ‘different ways’. Moreover, ‘trying  to improve’ is similar to ‘efforts’.

Answer: B

Questions 32-35

Complete the summary below

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 32-35 on your answer sheet

The Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee

32. The committee gives advice on how the……………………. of space can be achieved.

Location: Paragraph C

Explanation: The main keyword ‘committee’ helps to locate an answer is in the third line of the paragraph. ‘ability to monitor space objects increases, so too does the total number of items in orbit. That means companies, governments and other players in space are collaborating in new ways to avoid a shared threat. International groups such as the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee have developed guidelines on space sustainability…’ Here, ‘committee is collaborating in new ways’ and gives advice. Moreover, they avoid threat and developed guidelines so that space sustainability can be achieved.

Answer: Sustainability

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

33. & 34. The committee advises that when satellites are no longer active any

Unused……………………. or pressurised material that could cause …………………….should be removed.

Location:C paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘pressurised materials’ helps to locate an answer in the fourth line of the paragraph. ‘Those include inactivating satellites at the end of their useful life by venting pressurised materials or leftover fuel that mightlead to explosions…’ Here, ‘inactivating satellites’ and ‘no longer active’ means the same. ‘leftover’ means it was unused. In addition, ‘could cause’ and ‘lead to’ means the same. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: (33) Fuel

              (34) Explosions

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

35. Although operators of large satellite constellations accept that they have obligations as stewards of space, Holger Krag points out that the operators that become…………………….are unlikely to prioritise removing their satellites from space.

Location: C paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘Holger krag’ helps to locate an answer is in the last two lines of the paragraph. ‘Operators of the planned large constellations of satellites say they will be responsible stewards in their enterprises in space, but Krag worries that problems could increase, despite their best intentions. What happens to those that fail or go bankrupt?’ he asks They are probably not going to spend money to remove their satellites from space. …’ Here, ‘obligations’ and ‘responsible’ are synonyms. In addition, ‘not going to spend moneyto remove their satellites from space ’ that means ‘they are unlikely to prioritise removing their satellites from space…’

Answer: Bankrupt

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

Look at the following statements (Questions 36-40) and the list of people below.

Match each statement with the correct parson, A, B, C or D

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet

NB You may use any letter more than once.

36. Knowing the exact location of space junk would help prevent any possible danger.

Location: D paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘. If you knew precisely where everything was, you would almost never have a problem,’ says Marlon Sorge, a space-debris specialist at the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, California…’ Here, the writer clearly states that if you knew the exact location then there would be no problem that means help prevent any possible danger. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: C

37. Space should be available to everyone and should be preserved for the future.

Location: F paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the last lines of the paragraph. ‘Jah describes himself as a space environmentalist: “I want to make space a place that is safe to operate, that is free and useful for generations to come. Until that happens, he argues, the space community will continue devolving into a tragedy in which all spaceflight operators are polluting a common resource…’ Here, ‘preserved for the future’ and ‘useful for generation to come’ means the same. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: D

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

38. A recommendation regarding satellites is widely ignored.

Location: C paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the fifth line of the paragraph. ‘The Intergovernmental groups also advise lowering satellites deep enough into the atmosphere that they will burn up or disintegrate within 25 years. But so far, only about half of all missions have abided by this 25-year goal, says Holger Krag, head of the European Space Agency’s space-debris office in Darmstadt, Germany…’ Here, ‘advice’ and ‘recommendation’ are synonyms. In addition, ‘only about half of all missions have abided by this 25-year goal…’ that means it is widely ignored. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: B

39. There is conflicting information about where some satellites are in space.

Location: F paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the beginning of the paragraph. ‘An additional problem is that there is no authoritative catalogue that accurately lists the orbits of all known space debris. Jah illustrates this with a web-based database that he has developed…’ Here, ‘no authoritative catalogue that accurately lists the orbits…’ that means there is conflicting information and it is not clear that where some satellites are in space. Thus, the answer is D.

Answer: D

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

40. There is a risk we will not be able to undo the damage that occurs in space.

Location: B paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the second part of the B paragraph. ‘. ‘If we go on like this, we will reach a point of no return, says Carolin Frueh, an astrodynamical researcher at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana…’ Here, the writer states that ‘not able to undo the damage’ and ‘reach a point of no return’ means the same. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: A

List of People

A CarolinFrueh

B Holger Krag

C Marlon Sorge

D Moriba Jah

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

‘Forest management in Pennsylvania, USA’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

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