Band 7.0 Sample: In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Band 7.0 Sample: In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Introductory Statement:

Schools in many countries are facing the problems of bad behavior of the students. In the following paragraph, this essay will discuss firstly discuss about, bad mental health is a major cause of bad behavior of children and secondly proper counseling by the teachers and parents can help children to tackle this problem.

Body Paragraph 1:

To start with, nowadays, many schools are facing the problems of bad behavior of students such as disobedience, irregularity in the attendance, not paying attention etc. The main reason for these is mental health issues. Children are being compared with their follow mates by teachers and parents, a negative impact of peer pressure, lack of confidence etc, all these situation leads to instability of mind. Students with bad mental health cannot focus on their studies and get drifted away from studies and school life. For example, an article was published by ‘The Hindustan Times’ newspaper in 2020, which stated that students with mental health issues cannot concentrate on their studies and get distracted.

Body Paragraph 2:

However, this problem can be tackled by the joint efforts of teachers and parents. Schools can appoint a counselor for the students, who can always be there for help of children. Teachers should listen to problems of children. At home parents should try to interact with children and try to indulge in children’s life, so that they came to know about children’s problems and can guide them in a right direction. Government can also contribute to solve this problem by providing application by which students can get easy access of help of counselors. For example, a survey was conducted by an NGO ‘Little Birds’ in 2019, according to which 40% of student stated that a proper guidance by teachers and parents really help them to overcome the problem of mental health issues.


To conclude this, bad behavior of students in schools is a very common problem these days. The reason behind it is bad mental health which emerges from various other problems, which a student faces at school. This problem can be solved by efforts of teachers and parents. They can try to interact with children and guide them properly. Moreover, government and can provide counseling applications.

Band 7.0 Sample: In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Band 7.0 Sample: Some scientist thinks that there are intelligent life forms on other planets and messages should be sent to contact them. Other scientists think it is a bad idea and would be dangerous. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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