Band 7.0 Sample: Some people think that increasing business and cultural contact between countries bring many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of National Identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Band 7.0 Sample: Some people think that increasing business and cultural contact between countries bring many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of National Identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

General Line Globalization is increasing day by day.
Paraphrasing Few Individuals believe that increasing commercial and cultural contact among the nations lead to numerous constructive results. While others admit that it hinders the national Identities.
Thesis Line
Outline Firstly, this essay would discuss about the positive outcomes of rising trade and traditional association which are peace and harmony, and overall development of mankind. Further, it would enlighten about the major implication of this approach which is the loss of national identities as it deteriorates the essence of Nationalism and Patriotism.
Body Paragraph 1:
Main Point line Discussing the fruits of growing commercial and cultural association, one of the major effects is the assurance of Peace and Harmony as every nation would be working with association with others.
Elaboration Moreover, it also promotes overall development of the mankind which is not only important for the present but for the future generations as well.
Explanation Hence, people from different cultures can coexist by learning from each other and collectively on the world level.
Example To exemplify, As per the UNITED NATIONS Report-2023, 90 percent of youngsters admit that increasing ties across the globe are good for every person as it promotes overall development.
Body Paragraph 2:
Main Idea Enlightening the bad consequences, one of the drastic issues is the loss of national Identities as globalization has loosened the essence of nationalism and patriotism.
Elaboration Profits from the trade and intermixing of cultures have blurred the real idea of National Identity as companies and individuals have starting valuing gains over their fundamental duties towards their nations.
Explanation Therefore, this has diluted the sense of belongingness among the citizens of the nations.
Example To exemplify, as per the reports of Hindustan Times, majority of individuals prefer good life for them as compared to their love for the country they belong.
Re Paraphrasing Since, Globalization has lead to rise in commercial and cultural tie ups, it has promoted peaceful coexistence of mankind with comprehensive growth. Though, the concern of losing national identity is also alarming as it has caused hindrance of Nationalism and Patriotism.
Opinion Ultimately, it is opined that a balance has to kept between both the ends to understand past, maintain present and plan future.

Band 7.0 Sample: Some people think that increasing business and cultural contact between countries bring many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of National Identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Band 7.0 Sample: Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

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