Band 8 Sample: Inspite of technological developments(Internet etc), books still are an important source of entertainment and information. Do you agree or disagree?

Band 8 Sample: Inspite of technological developments(Internet etc), books still are an important source of entertainment and information. Do you agree or disagree?

Introductory Statement:

Technological developments like internet have been a boon for the society. This essay strongly disagrees that books are an important source of entertainment and information. New advancements in entertainment has given us 3D movies, interactive TV shows and VR gaming. At the same time, education and information industry has also seen revolutionising changes like streaming platforms.

Body Paragarph 1:

There have been many technological developments in the field of entertainment. Internet has played a vital role in that. Advancement in Image processing and Computer graphics has given birth to state-of-the-art video quality and never seen before visuals. This has also given rise to 3D movies and interactive TV shows where a viewer can take a decision as to what the character in the story should do next. This level of sophistication can never be provided by a book. Due to so many moving parts that there are in Entertainment industry, it has also lead to more jobs. Whereas, books do not have that many job requirements.

Body Paragraph 2:

Information Industry has also seen some remarkable advancements. With increasing internet speed, we have gotten several Education channels on the internet. This means we get every angle and different versions of explanation on a same topic. Explaining the same idea on a video is more retaining that reading a book. Moreover, buying books also become expensive and one needs its physical possession. But, internet being cheap nowadays, can reach to every house and also some unfortunate children who cannot afford to buy all the books.


All in all, it is safe to say that books might be an important source of entertainment and information but advancements in technology have totally overshadowed what books are capable of and more.

Band 8 Sample: Inspite of technological developments(Internet etc), books still are an important source of entertainment and information. Do you agree or disagree?

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