Since a lot of aspirants appear for the IELTS Exam at various places, it becomes very important that they practice from the ‘Latest IELTS Study Material’ which is cornerstone for getting good ‘Band Score’ in IELTS Exam. Here, it must me made clear, the 17 books which are here for the download belongs to  the Cambridge University. 

Important Link: Best method of solving IELTS Reading!!- Reading Passage Pdf (Click Here)

Why to prepare for IELTS Exam from The Cambridge Books?

Well, the paper is set by Cambridge University itself. They are the people who structured the exam and even form the exam. IDP and British Council just conducts these exam around the globe. Moreover, as they are the setters of the paper, it becomes very important for the aspirants to prepare for the exam from the material and the books published by them.

What is the level of these Books?

The Level of these books is same as of the Exam Day. Each Book constitute 4 complete tests. Each Test as 4 modules with proper solved answers. Therefore, they are very useful for the students for self evaluation and self preparation at home. The answers to the each test are given in the last of the book. 

‘Latest IELTS Study Material’- Below is the link for downloading Cambridge Books 1-17 (Academic) for Free.

Cambridge Books- Reading Passages Solved

IELTS Essays- Most Common Topics Elaborated

Free Writing Module Course- Click Here!!

Latest IELTS Study Material for General IELTS- Below is the link for downloading Cambridge Books 11-16 (General Training) for Free