Band 4.5 Sample Answer: Eating sweet foods produces acid…

Band 4.5 Sample Answer: Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause tooth decay. (High acid levels are measured by low pH values)
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
(This is solved Band 4.5 Sample Answer for the Writing Task one. It has been taken from IELTS Cambridge Book)

The representative graphs represents the acidity produced by eating sweet foods, which can cause the tooth decays.

It can be clearly seen that the cane sugar produces high acidity in the mouth. On the other hand, consumption of the honey causes less acidity level in mouth. Moreover, time elapsed after eating sugar and honey result change in the level of acidity in mouth.

Coming to details,{after eating the honey} almost after 5 minutes of eating honey, the acid level in mouth starts decreasing . Additionally, the pH value is above 4 after 5 minutes. Further, the time elapsed, the acid level remains decreasing. As a result of this decrement, after 12-13 minutes tooth decay occurred. Which is the least time taken category for tooth decay occuring

On the other hand, fruits sugar and honey cause less acid level in moth as compare to cane sugar. Generally, the occuring time of tooth decay is after 15 minutes for fruits sugar and for cane sugar, it is after 30 minutes of eating, at 5.5pH.

Band 4.5 Sample Answer: Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause tooth decay. (High acid levels are measured by low pH values)
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