Band 5.0: The charts below give information on the ages…

Band 5.0: The charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050.

The pictorial view illustrates the data of the ages of Yemen and Italian people in the initial year of 20th century as well as the predictions for year 2050.

The chart is giving the information that the adulthood age people were near to half of population. But the same people of Italy at above half in 2020 .In future prediction of yemen, the childhood population increased slightly on the other the same age group of Italy will be double by 2050.

The yemen population has the highest population of teenagers which above half the population. But there were drop of 13% by 2050 of this categories. The adult people number decreased by 46.3% to 57.3% by 2050 year and older age people just increased by 2%.

Italy country have majority of adulthood people in 2000 but the number of people is decreased 15% in future. The big jump in the older age people which is doubled by 2050. The teenagers just above one half of population in 2000 but then decrease to almost one half by 2050.

Band 5.0: The charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050.

Band 5.0: The graphical representation illustrate the demand for electricity in the country of Britain. During the winter and summer seasons. In addition to it, the pie chart described how the electricity is used in an individual houses.

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