Band 7.0 Sample: Car ownership has increased so rapidly over past thirty years that may cities in the world are now on big traffic jam.

Band 7.0 Sample: Car ownership has increased so rapidly over past thirty years that may cities in the world are now on big traffic jam.

Introductory Statement:

People are purchasing more and more cars over the past thirty years that many cities of the world are now transformed into ‘big traffic jam.’ In the following paragraphs, this essay will firstly discuss that, the given notion is completely true because of the overpopulation and secondly government can promote people to use public transport by using awareness campaigns.

Body Paragraph 1:

To start with, nowadays traffic jams are very common because more people are using vehicles. And increasing overpopulation adds more number of cars to the traffic jams. Moreover, usually only one person travels in one car. Which is one of the reasons of increase in traffic in cities. Due to overpopulation in the cities, the cities look like a closely packed set of building with traffic jams. For example, an article was published in ‘The Times Now’ newspaper in 2020, according to which more number of people in the cities is leading problem of traffic jams.

Body Paragraph 2:

However, this problem can be handled if government takes appropriate initiatives. Government can organize awareness campaign, telling people about the problems caused by traffic jams such as accidents, delay in works etc. Government should develop better infrastructure for public road transformed and railways as well as tell the public to use them. People should be made aware of the pollution caused by large numbers of cars. People should be promoted to use car pools. For example, an article was published by ‘The Times Now’ newspaper in 2017 which stated that more use of public transport can reduce the traffic jams as well as air and noise pollution.


To conclude this, the problem of overpopulation is serious issue nowadays. It is main reason of the traffic jams in all over the world. However, this can be controlled by the proper actions by the government. Like better and comfortable public transports along with awareness campaigns for the public.

Band 7.0 Sample: Car ownership has increased so rapidly over past thirty years that may cities in the world are now on big traffic jam.

Band 7.0 Sample: Some people think that a person improves their intellectual skills more when doing group activities. To what extent do you agree? Use specific details and examples to explain your view.

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