Band 7.0 Sample: Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Band 7.0 Sample: Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Introductory Statement:

Few individuals believe that the main environment problem of present time is the extinction of specific species of flora and fauna. While, others say that other environment problem are more important. In the following paragraphs, this essay will firstly discuss that extinction of species can disrupt the ecosystem and secondly other problems like floods and drought can directly affect the mankind.

Body Paragraph 1:

To start with, the ever-increasing pollution and global warming has a major on our biodiversity. Many animals and plants are getting ill effected and are at a verge of extinction. Even some of the species have already become extinct from our ecosystem. One ecosystem is interconnected with other by several means. The absence of even one species can have major impact on other species. It can disturb the ever-on-going cycles of food chain. For example, an article was published in ‘The Hindustan Times’ newspaper in 2018, according to which the extinction of dodo bird lead to the extinction of additional two species.

Body Paragraph 2:

However, some people believe that there are many other environmental problem which are more important. Like increase in global warming is causing floods, the increase in air pollution has increased the number of people suffering from breathing problem which even include children. There are many areas where farmers are dependent on rains as a only source of irrigation. Due to global warming there is a scarcity of rainfalls. There is almost 70% water present on the earth but only 10% of it is  safe for drinking. This Is because of the increase in the water pollution due to pesticides, fertilizer and industrialization. For example, a news was telecasted on ‘BBC news channel’ in 2021 according to which many cities were destroyed in some parts Pakistan due to floods.


To conclude this, the extinction of flora and fauna can disturb the ecosystem of the earth. Whereas floods and pollution can directly affect the mankind.

Band 7.0 Sample: Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

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