Band 7.0 Sample: The two pie charts represent the use of energy in various segments.

Band 7.0 Sample: The two pie charts

Band 7.0 Sample: The two pie charts represent the use of energy in various segments and emission of greenhouse gases by using this energy in Australia. 


The given two pie chart provides the information about the household energy used by Australia and emission of greenhouse gas by using this energy in Australia.


Overall, a glance is enough to make it clear that a large amount of energy is used for heating purpose in an average Australian household. As a result, maximum greenhouse gas is emitted due to water heating in Australia.

Body Paragraph 1:

To begin with, a large proportion of energy is used for heating purpose that was 42% in an average Australian household. Whereas, only 2% of energy is consumed by cooling in Australia. Moreover, Australian household energy used for refrigeration was only 7%. Furthermore, 30% of energy is consumed for water heating purpose in Australian household. Also, other appliances used 15% of Australian household energy.

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On the other hand, a high amount of greenhouse gas, 32% is emitted from the energy that is used for water beating. Whereas, 3% of green house gas is emitted from cooling in Australia. Moreover, the energy used for refrigeration emitted 14% of greenhouse gas in an average Australian household. Furthermore, a small proportion of 8% green house gas is emitted from the energy that is used for lighting purpose. Whereas other appliances are emitted 28% of green house gas from energy usage in an average Australian household.

Band 7.0 Sample: The two pie charts represent the use of energy in various segments.

Band 7.0 Sample: The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during winter and summer. The pie chat shows how electricity is used  in an average English home.

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