Band 7 Sample: The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Band 7 Sample: The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Introductory Statement:

In this current era, science has been highly developed with the passage of time. It assists the people to upgrade their lifestyle with different innovations. However, plethora of individuals reckon that the most significant aim of science should be to enhance people’s lives. This essay partially agrees with the given statement. In the upcoming paragraphs, this essay will firstly discuss that science should try to ease the individual’s lifestyle by doing new inventions in medical care and other sectors. Secondly, this essay intends to discuss that science should do space exploration and also try to save endangered species.

Body Paragraph 1:

To commence with, progress in science, technology has been highly developed and also proved to be beneficial for human life. But there is a strong need that science should do more in the field of medical care to make individual’s lifestyle better. As there are number of diseases which cannot be cured, due to which alot of people are dying. Also, nature is deeply affected by the advancement of technology as it is losing it’s grace day by day. As many harmful gasses are released from the vehicles which effect the environment. Ozone layer is depleting which puts bad impact on humans, so there should be some research done in the field of science which helps in easing people’s lives.To exemplify, an article was published in 2021 which stated that many people are dying due to cancer because there is no proper treatment to cure cancer patients.

Body Paragraph 2:

Moving further, science should be progressed in such a way so as to balance the lifecycle of human and different creature’s as well. To save the earth, balance is significant so that creatures do not get threatened by the development of science. Innovations are essential to improve the quality of life. But the consequences which badly impact the natural habitat are not seen to be progressed. Moreover, there should be space explorations in the field of science in order to find out the existence of life over there. And what kind of resources are available in outer space, which might get extinct on earth in the near future. To exemplify, an article was published by ‘D.K. Rathore’ which stated that ‘Tibet’ is one of the nations where the scientists are researching to save the species of ‘Panda’.


In conclusion, it is clearly seen from the aforementioned aspects that, science should be progressed to improve the lives of both human and other creatures. To protect the planet from destruction balance is essential so that individuals and animals can live peacefully in this ecosystem.

Band 7 Sample: The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Band 7.0 Sample: Some people think that increasing business and cultural contact between countries bring many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of National Identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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