Band 8 Sample: Development should not be meant for only mankind rather it must be aimed to uplift the whole ecosystem. What will be the problems and solutions for it?

Band 8 Sample: Development should not be meant for only mankind rather it must be aimed to uplift the whole ecosystem. What will be the problems and solutions for it?

Introductory Statement:

Evolution is an inevitable process. Progress must not only be for human beings (homo sapiens). Rather it ought to be focused for the overall upliftment of other species and environment. This essay shall enlighten about the problems and the solutions to the notion. That if development is only meant for humans, then what would happen? Thus, the loss of balance which can only be solved by creating protected areas and the disaster of getting rare species extinct which can be only curtailed by wildlife sanctuaries.

Body Paragraph 1:

Talking about one of the major problems, earth is sufficient for all the creations of almighty. But, a side-lined development and that too of human beings only would cause imbalance in the eco system. Solution to this is prescribed by united nations is that more emphasis must be laid on creating protected areas. And those areas should not have any kind of human involvement. The country named Wakanda became torch bearer of this initiative.

Body Paragraph 2:

Another major problem is extinction of rare species at the world level. Humans with their development projects have been infringing the lives of other creatures. This has resulted in a drastic situation where most of them are dying out. Tackling it seriously, wildlife sanctuaries is the only remedy which can be useful in safe guarding the fellow creations of almighty. Here, a programme of WHO can be mentioned which aims to nurture and cherish the dying animals by creating 9000 zoos and wildlife sanctuaries by end of this year.


Concluding it, , it can be stated that evolution as a journey demands proper planning and a balanced approach which should not only be for humans but all the worldly creatures as well. Though there are various problems which we are supposed to face but they can only be dealt by joining hands in name of almighty.

Band 8 Sample: Development should not be meant for only mankind rather it must be aimed to uplift the whole ecosystem. What will be the problems and solutions for it?

Band 7 Sample: More and more people are relying on the private car as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems which over-reliance on cars can cause and suggest at least one possible solution.

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