Band 9 Sample: Some people believe that it is…

Band 9 Sample: Some people believe that it is good to share as much as information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Information has become the new wealth in 21st century. Few individuals think that it is best to spread/pass/distribute/ as much as data as possible in empirical research/ research related to science, business and the world related to academics/scholastic. Others believe that certain information is too crucial/significant/vital or too priceless/precious/ worthy/ to be shared freely. This essay intents to discuss both views. In the first paragraph, it will shed light on the essence of spreading knowledge and information free of cost which would enhance learning and ultimately the society. In the second paragraph, it will provide the opposite side whereby, the utmost and the significant piece of information demands price to be paid which will actually garnish its value among the learners.

Body Paragraph 1:

Talking about the first view, educating society which is the ultimate goal of the mankind can only be aimed and fulfilled if the information is spread on large scale and that too free of cost. This will help the individuals from every strata of the society to come forward and serve the society for betterment. Moreover, it will facilitate them to have inventions further, updated business models and improved academics, only if the free access is given to corpus of information available. To exemplify, here a report of UN can be mentioned which found that the nations which developed in 21st century never bounded/Curtailed the information rather spread it all around the individuals.

Body Paragraph 2:

Contrasting to it, free sharing of information devalues the essence of the education in the eyes of the learners. Thus, it hinders the process of attaining specialization which only comes with experience if had in right direction. Furthermore, crucial information needs proper mindset and willingness to be understood. Which are actually missing if something is served for free. Even the research of Dr. David Wilson points out that the human nature never realizes the value of anything if that is not earned with sweat and blood.


To conclude, it can be stated that the 21st century has been named as century of information. Unlimited spread of knowledge and information enhances society. The knowledge fuels the works in the field of science, business and academics. But, spreading the vital information for free can devalue the essence that education has. Moreover, it can eradicate its position in the society. As far the opinion is concerned, basic information must be spread freely. However, crucial information needs to be priced for the learners to maintain its essence.

Band 9 Sample: Some people believe that it is good to share as much as information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Band Sample 9: Some scientist thinks that there are…

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