Band 9 Sample: Some people say that advertising is…

Band 9 Sample: Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Introductory Statement:

General Line Advertainments play a very crucial role in the 21st century.
Paraphrase Line Few Individuals believe that advertising is very useful at persuading consumers to purchase products. While the others admit that it has become so common that customers do not even consider them.
Thesis line This essay intends to discuss the above viewpoints.
Outline (a)    Firstly, it will talk about the use of advertisements by companies to increase profits and sales buy selling more and more.

(b)   Secondly, it will elaborate about the eroding value of advertisements as customers are becoming more and more aware about their needs and the products which they want to buy.

Body Paragraph 1:

Starting Line Discussing the first point of view, every company wishes to become a brand.
Explanation They want to increase their sales and profits to grow into a world class industry.
Elaboration This is only possible if they let the customers know about their products through advertisements. Ultimately, people start purchasing the commodities which they see in the advertisements on TV, Newspapers and other medias.
Example Here the report of UNITED NATIONS 2023 can be mentioned which stated that 90 percent of the individuals across the globe admit that advertisements are best to increase sales by persuading the people to purchase the products

Body Paragraph 2:

Starting Line Elaborating the second perspective, since customers are becoming more and more aware of the products available in the market due to the increase in literacy rate, this has hindered the essence of Advertisements.
Elaboration These days Individuals have started buying things as per their needs. Moreover, they have even started comparing the products in the market which actually help them to filter out the best purchase they can do.
Explanation Plus, customers have even started purchasing the objects by considering the reviews of fellow users which is often called ‘mouth publicity’.
Example To Exemplify, Oxford University conducted a survey where they concluded that 60 percent of the customers who bought Tesla Car believed it to be a good product on the recommendation of the people who already use that car.


Concluding line Concluding it, since advertisements are preferred by every company to increase their sales, their importance is depleting day by day.
Out line As the customers are becoming more and more aware, the brand value of advertisements is not considered by them while buying things from the market.

Band 9 Sample: Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Band 9 Sample: In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be…

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