Band Sample 6: The pie charts below show units of electricity…

Band Sample 6: The pie charts below show units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.

The representative pie chart provides the information about production of electricity units by fuel sources, named as coal, oil natural gas, hydro power and nuclear power. The statistics had been carried in Australia and France for two separate  years  1980 and 2000.

So, a glance is enough which makes it clear that coal had been used as a major source for electricity production in Australia. Whereas, France used all the mentioned fuels for for production of electricity units in 1980. And, a huge chunk of nuclear power source was being used by France for electricity generation in 2000.

Coming to details, in 1980, Australia produced total 100 units of electricity. In which, 50 units were by using coal and remaining 50 units had been generated from other four fuel sources. The production of electricity was raised up to  170 units in 2000. Thus, the high portion of units had been produced by coal only in a 2000.

On the other hand, France generates 90 units of electricity only in 1980. Where, all the fuel source were used  in small- portion for production of units. But, the production had been increased up to 180 units in 2000. France used nuclear power energy for making 126 units. Therefore, negligible units of electricity were generate from natural gas and hydro power.

Band Sample 6: The pie charts below show units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.

Band 4.0 Sample: The information shows in the figures describes about imprisonment…

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