‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

Here are explanations of the Questions of passage named, ‘Bring back the big cats’ which is from the Cambridge 12 book. The Questions that have been asked are ‘Summary Blanks, MCQs’ and Yes/No/Not Given’. You will find the locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords(highlighted and underlined) and justifications.

READING PASSAGE 2: Bring back the big cats

Question Answer
14 D
15 A
16 C
17 A
18 C
19 E
20 D
21 F
22 A
23 NO
25 YES
26 YES

Questions 14-18

Write the correct letter, ABC or D, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

14   What did the 2006 discovery of the animal bone reveal about the lynx?

A   Its physical appearance was very distinctive.

B   Its extinction was linked to the spread of farming.

C   It vanished from Britain several thousand years ago.

D   It survived in Britain longer than was previously thought.

Location: 1st paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘2006’ helps to locate an answer in the third and last line of the paragraph. ‘lynx…was presumed to have died out in Britain at least 6,000 years ago…it would bring forward the tassel-eared cat’s estimated extinction date by roughly 5,000 years. Here, ‘presumed’ means ‘previously thought’. It was presumed to have died 6000 years ago. But it actually died 5000 years ago. Thus, the answer is D.

Answer: D

‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

15   What point does the writer make about large predators in the third paragraph?

A   Their presence can increase biodiversity.

B   They may cause damage to local ecosystems.

C   Their behaviour can alter according to the environment.

D   They should be reintroduced only to areas where they were native.

Location: 3rd paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘Some of them drive dynamic processes that resonate through the whole food chain, creating niches for hundreds of species that might otherwise struggle to survive. The killers turn out to be bringers of life. Here, ‘killers’ refer to ‘large predators’. Moreover, ‘bringers of life’ makes it clear that it increases biodiversity.

Answer: A

16   What does the writer suggest about British conservation in the fourth paragraph?

A   It has failed to achieve its aims.

B   It is beginning to change direction.

C   It has taken a misguided approach.

D   It has focused on the most widespread species.

Location: 4th paragraph (First line)

Explanation: The main keyword ‘British conservation’ helps to locate an answer in the beginning of the paragraph. ‘British conservation, which has often selected arbitrary assemblages of plants and animals and sought, at great effort and expense…’ Here, ‘arbitrary’ means without any reason or plan. Thus, this is a misguided approach about conservation.

Answer: C

‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

17   Protecting large areas of the sea from commercial fishing would result in

A   practical benefits for the fishing industry.

B   some short-term losses to the fishing industry.

C   widespread opposition from the fishing industry.

D   certain changes to techniques within the fishing industry.

Location: 5th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘commercial fishing’ helps to locate an answer in the last line of the paragraph.  ‘This policy would also greatly boost catches in the surrounding seas; the fishing industry’s insistence on scouring every inch of seabed…’Here, ‘boost catches in the seas’ is a practical benefit. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: A

18   According to the author, what distinguishes rewilding from other environmental campaigns?

A   Its objective is more achievable.

B   Its supporters are more articulate.

C   Its positive message is more appealing.

D   It is based on sounder scientific principles.

Location: 5th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘rewilding’ helps to locate an answer in the last line of the paragraph. ‘rewilding is spreading so quickly in Britain is that it helps to create a more inspiring vision than the green movement…’Here, ‘more inspiring vision’ means ‘more appealing’. Thus, this statement clarify the answer.

Answer: C

Questions 19-22

Complete the summary using the list of words and phrases A-F below.

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.

Reintroducing the lynx to Britain

There would be many advantages to reintroducing the lynx to Britain. While there is no evidence that the lynx has ever put 19 ……………………..

Location:  7th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘lynx’ helps to locate an answer in the first two lines of the paragraph. ‘The lynx presents no threat to human beings: there is no known instance of one preying on people…’Here, ‘no known instance’ and ‘no evidence’ means the same. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: E

‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

in danger, it would reduce the numbers of certain 20…………………….. whose populations have increased enormously in recent decades.

Location: 7th paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘It is a specialist predator of roe deer, a species that has exploded in Britain in recent decades, holding back, by intensive browsing, attempts to re-establish forests… will also winkle out sika deer: an exotic species that is almost impossible for human beings to control…’ Here, ‘ roe deer and ‘sika deer’ are wild animals.

Answer: D

It would present only a minimal threat to 21…………………….., provided these were kept away from lynx habitats.

Location: 7th paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the last line of the paragraph.‘ The lynx requires deep cover, and as such presents little risk to sheep and other livestock, which are supposed, as a condition of farm subsidies, to be kept out of the woods.’ Here, ‘present a little risk’ means ‘present only a minimal threat’. Moreover,  ‘sheep and other livestock’ are farm animals.

Answer:  F

‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

native 22……………………… to certain areas of the country. Furthermore, the reintroduction programme would also link efficiently with initiatives to return

Location: 7th paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the fourth line of the paragraph . ‘The attempt to reintroduce this predator marries well with the aim of bringing forests back to parts of our bare and barren uplands.’ Here, ‘bringing back’ and ‘return’ means the same. Thus, ‘forests’ or ‘trees’ means the same.

Answer: A

A     trees B     endangered species C     hillsides
D     wild animals E     humans F     farm animals

Questions 23-26

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet, write

YES                  if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO                   if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN     if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

23   Britain could become the first European country to reintroduce the lynx.

Location: 8th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘reintroduce’ helps to locate an answer in the fourth line of the paragraph. ‘The lynx has now been reintroduced to the Jura Mountains, the Alps, the Vosges in eastern France and the Harz mountains in Germany, and has re-established itself in many more places.’ Here, the writer states that lynx has been introduced to Jura mountains…in France…in Germany. This makes it clear that Britain is not the first country to reintroduce the lynx.

Answer: No

‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

24   The large growth in the European lynx population since 1970 has exceeded conservationists’ expectations.

Location: 8th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘1970’ is there in the last fourth line of the paragraph. ‘The European population has tripled since 1970 to roughly 10,000.’But there is no reference whether is has exceeded conservationists’ expectations .Thus, no information available.

Answer: Not Given

25   Changes in agricultural practices have extended the habitat of the lynx in Europe.

Location: 8th paragraph

Explanation: The main keywords ‘agricultural practices’ and ‘Europe’ helps to locate an answer in the second line of the paragraph. ‘the lynx has been able to spread as farming has left the hills and people discover that it is more lucrative to protect charismatic wildlife than to hunt it…’Here,  this means farming is no more done in hills to extend the habitat. Thus, this states that there in change in agricultural practices.

Answer: Yes

‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

26   It has become apparent that species reintroduction has commercial advantages.

Location: 8th paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is again in the same  line of the paragraph. ‘, the lynx has been able to spread as farming has left the hills and people discover that it is more lucrative to protect charismatic wildlife than to hunt it, as tourists will pay for the chance to see it.’ Here, ‘lucrative’ means ‘commercially beneficial’. The question statement is same as the passage statement.

Answer: Yes

‘Bring back the big cats’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM -12

‘The History of Glass’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 12

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