Describe a family picnic or tour you have had.

Describe a family picnic or tour you have had.

General line – Truly, most of the time people tend to have tour with their family members because in this way they create tremendous unforgettable memories as well as they have fun too. Today, I have got this privilege to divulge(unveil) about a particular family trip that I have had.

When it was?

Well, I have memory like an elephant so I precisely remember, a few months ago, my father purchased a new car which named Verna. Then we decided to go for a family tour.

Where you went?

After thinking about a lot of places, we finalized to go to Kedarnath. Because there are colossal mountains and spectacular views. Really our journey was more beautiful than destination mainly owning to the weather was so pleasant when we started our journey from our home.

What you did?
Explain if it was memorable event or not?

We listened a number of songs while travelling which have us positive vibes. Moreover, when we reached at Kedarnath, we had a stay in an opulence(luxurious) hotel where we had finger licking(very tasty) dinner as well as enjoyed the view of mountains by balcony. In addition to this, in the morning, we woke up early and saw the sunrise which was really one of the most beautiful moments of our life. After that, we went for trekking towards the hilly areas which was around of 14 kilometers and we were charged with the energy by seeing other tourists who were even old in age. After covering the way of 8 kilometers we arranged a tent where we took rest for a while. At that moment, I and my cousins enjoyed some swings over there which were available for tourists, it made us feel so happy.

Describe a family picnic or tour you have had.

Describe a free time activity you like to do after study or work.

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