Describe a journey (e.g. by car, plane, boat) that you remember well.

Describe a journey (e.g. by car, plane, boat) that you remember well.

General line – As being a hodophile(a person who loves travelling), I have tendency to do travelling as much as it is possible because it expands my horizons. Today I have grabbed this opportunity to express about a car journey that I remember proficiently.

Where you went?

As I have a memory like an elephant, so I conspicuously(clearly) remember, a few months ago me and my family went to Manali because it is a tremendously(very) stunning location for spending quality time with friends and family.

How you travelled?

Well, we decided to go by car just mainly owning to all of us could get comfort as well enjoy the spectacular views, as our car had sun roof. And legit(extremely good) the journey was more beautiful than the destination because we saw distinct kind of locations while travelling and made some memory with each other by clicking some pictures.

Why you went on journey?

The cardinal(main) reason why we went to Manali was that, it was the peak season of tourism when we reached over there. Moreover, we could experience the snowfall during that time.

Explain why you remember that journey?

To be honest, I remember this journey because when we were coming back to our home from Manali, we saw my favorite singer in the traffic congestion whose name is A.P. Dhillon and I felt like a dog with two tails(very happy) because I did not solely(only) explored the beauty of Manali but also I met my idol. After that I took a picture with him that I have hung on the wall of my room and whenever I see it I just start memorizing that journey.

Describe a journey (e.g. by car, plane, boat) that you remember well.

Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence.

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