Describe a time when you were late.

Describe a time when you were late.

Introduction – Well, approximately all people experience the feeling of being late in their life. This can be due to many unforeseen reasons. Here, I’m going to shed some light when I got late.

  • When it was

I vividly remember that last month I had to see a dentist. As, there was a pain in my tooth so I booked an appointment of dental clinic. Hence, on weekend I had to visit to dentist for my treatment.

  • Why were you late

To be honest, in the morning I got up late and I had no idea that it was Sunday and I had my appointment. Although, I put reminder on my phone but unfortunately I missed see my reminder. When I saw a text message of my appointment, I quickly rush to the dental clinic. Moreover, as I told u it was Sunday, so there was great traffic congestion on the road and I got stuck. It took me around 2 hours to reach at the clinic.

  • How you felt about being late

When I reached there then secretary told me that doctor is waiting for you from last 2 hours. At that time I felt very embarrassed that I got late. Then I felt sorry to doctor and got my treatment done on next appointment.

Conclusion: All in all, from that day, I promised to myself that I will always a punctual person, and I started doing all my work on time.

Describe a time when you were late.

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

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