Describe an actress or actor whom you admire.

Describe an actress or actor whom you admire.

General line – Predominantly(mainly), individuals praise their favorite celebrities as well as they have tendency to look like them too. Today, I have got this privilege(chance) to unveil about a particular actor to who admire a lot.

Who he is?

What he looks like?
What kind of movies he appears in?
Explain why you admire this actress?

Well, as being a cinephile(movie lover), I like and admire immense number of celebrities simultaneously. My
favorite one is Sushant Singh Rajput, as I have memory like an elephant so I precisely remember when I
was just 10 years old at that time I saw him in a TV serial for the first time. And literally I found his acting
very engrossing(interesting). Moreover, there are no enough words to admire him because unlike others, he earned fame on his own. In a very few time he became a professional actor and he started appearing in Bollywood movies. Sadly, he is no more on this world. But he is still alive among his fans in their memories.
Furthermore, he was philanthropist(a person who does charity work), during the pandemic of corona he donated tremendous(huge) amount of money on the people who were unable to manage their fundamental(basic) needs. It is not enough here, he was so down to earth. Most of the individuals of his locality were dependent on him financially. And still team of Sushant Singh Rajput gives food and clothes to them. One more thing that I liked about him was that, he was fit as fiddle because he was active in gym. And he used to upload videos of his workout on social media, so in this way people got influenced by him to do exercise and I am also one of them. Eventually I can bluntly say that, nobody can take his place in the acting field.

Describe an actress or actor whom you admire.

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