Describe an adventure you would like to go on.

Describe an adventure you would like to go on.

Introduction :– An adventure is a mixed experience of thrill, danger and excitement. There are a lot of adventurous activities like, bungee jumping, trekking, camping, scuba diving and so on. Unfortunately, I never tried any type of adventurous in my life. But, here I would like to talk about an adventure which I would like to do in a future.

  • What do you want to do

It is nothing other than scuba diving. There is a very beautiful beach in Goa called Baga beach. One of my friends went there last year and he told me a lot of interesting things about it. Now I also want to experience the same things. It is a special place for scuba diving. There are many guides who guide people during the activity which makes it safer and multiplies the joy of doing it. With the help of scuba diving I will be able explore about marine life which present underneath the water.

  • With whom do want to go/ When do you want to go

I am planning with my family members to go there. We will go there in summer vacations. The most exciting thing is that my father told me that I can invite my cousins also. So that we can spend our summer vacations together.

Describe an adventure you would like to go on.

Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger.

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