Describe something that surprised you.

Describe something that surprised you.

General line – Predominantly(mainly), individuals plan surprises not only to make their loved ones feel special but also to show their feelings. Today, I have got this opportunity(chance) to express about a particular thing that surprised me.

How you found about it and what you did?

Well, I have memory like an elephant so I precisely remember, during the pandemic of corona all of the shops were closed due to the strict lock-down and my birthday was in the month of March when corona was started. And I knew that nobody would celebrate my birthday just mainly owning to that lethal(deadly) virus.

What it was?

When I got up early in the morning on day of my birthday I saw a gift box was kept on my study table. And birthday wishes were written on it.

Who did this?

Surprisingly, my parents came and they had a cake with them.

And explain why it surprised you?

Truly, my reaction was so good because first thing is that, there was no shop opened in our city. And my parents made that finger licking(very tasty) cake even they did not know how to bake. Then they saw some videos on internet and prepared that beautiful cake. The second is that, there was a diamond ring in that gift box which was given by my father and he purchased that exactly 1 day before the lock-down. Because he was aware about the lock-down. That will always remain etched in my memories.

Describe something that surprised you.

Describe a new development or recent development in your country.

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