‘European transport system 1990-2010’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM- 10

‘European transport system 1990-2010’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM- 10

Here are explanations of the Questions of passage named, ‘European transport system 1990-2010’ which is from the Cambridge 10 book. The Questions that have been asked are ‘List of headings’ and ‘True/False/Not Given’, You will find the locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords (highlighted and underlined) and justifications.

READING PASSAGE 2: European Transport Systems 1990-2010

Question Answer
15 III
16 XI
17 I
18 V
19 X
20 II
21 IV

Questions 14-21

The Reading Passage has nine paragraphs, A-I.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-E and G-I from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-xi, in boxes 14-21 on your answer sheet.

                     List of Headings

i      A fresh and important long-term goal
ii     Charging for roads and improving other transport methods
iii    Changes affecting the distances goods may be transported
iv    Taking all the steps necessary to change transport patterns
v     The environmental costs of road transport
vi    The escalating cost of rail transport
vii   The need to achieve transport rebalance
viii  The rapid growth of private transport
ix    Plans to develop major road networks
x     Restricting road use through charging policies alone
xi    Transport trends in countries awaiting EU admission

14.  Paragraph A

Location: A paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘Although modern information technologies can reduce the demand for physical transport by facilitating teleworking and teleservices, the requirement for transport continues to increase…’ Here, ‘transport continue to increase’ and ‘rapid growth’ means the same.  Thus, the answer is viii.

Answer: viii 

15.  Paragraph B

Location: B paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the beginning of the paragraph. ‘As far as goods transport is concerned, growth is due to a large extent to changes in the European economy and its system of production…’ This line means that changes clearly affect the transport distances.

Answer: iii

‘European transport system 1990-2010’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM- 10

16.  Paragraph C

Location: C paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the first line of the paragraph. ‘The strong economic growth expected in countries which are candidates for entry to the EU will also increase transport flows, in particular, road haulage traffic…’Here, ‘transport trends’ and ‘flow’ means the same. Moreover, ‘EU admission’ has been written as ‘entry to EU’.

Answer: xi

17.  Paragraph D

Location: D paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the first and last line of the paragraph. ‘However, a new imperative-sustainable development – offers an opportunity for adapting the EU’s common transport policy…a first essential step towards a sustainable transport system which will ideally be in place in 30 years…’Here, ‘objective’ and ‘goal’ means the same. Furthermore,  ‘30 years’ give reference to the ‘long-term’.

Answer: i

‘European transport system 1990-2010’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM- 10

18.  Paragraph E

Location: E paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the first two lines of the paragraph. ‘In 1998, energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for 28% of emissions of CO2 the leading greenhouse gas. According to the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth trend, CO2 emissions from transport can be expected to increase by around 50% to 1,113 billion tonnes by 2020…’ Here, the writer states CO2 emissions increase by 50%.Thus, the environment is paying heavily due to traffic growth.

Answer: v

19.  Paragraph G

Location: G paragraph (first 3 lines)

Explanation: The writer says, ‘The first approach would consist of focusing on road transport solely through pricing…In the short term, it might curb the growth in road transport through the better loading ratio of goods vehicles and occupancy rates of passenger vehicles expected…’ Here, ‘solely through pricing’ means ‘charging policies alone’. In addition, ‘curb’ and ‘restricted’ are synonyms.

Answer: x

‘European transport system 1990-2010’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM- 10

20.  Paragraph H

Location: H paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the first line of the paragraph. ‘ The second approach also concentrates on road transport pricing but is accompanied by measures to increase the efficiency of the other modes (better quality of services, logistics, technology)…’Here, ‘pricing of roads’ and ‘charging for roads’ means the same. Moreover, ‘increase efficiency’ is to ‘improve’.  ‘transport method’= ‘transport mode’.

Answer: ii

21.   Paragraph I

Location: I paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the beginning of the paragraph. ‘The third approach, which is not new, comprises a series of measures ranging from pricing to revitalizing alternative modes of transport and targeting investment in the trans-European network…’Here, ‘change transport patterns’ and ‘alternative transport modes’ means the same. In addition. ‘series of measures’ means ‘taking all the steps’.

Answer: iv

Example:                           Answer:
Paragraph F                          vii

Questions 22-26

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?

In boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet, write

  TRUE   if the statement agrees with the information
  FALSE   if the statement contradicts the information
  NOT GIVEN   if there is no information on this

22. The need for transport is growing, despite technological developments.

Location: 1st paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘technological developments’ helps to locate an answer in the second line of the paragraph. ‘Although modern information technologies can reduce the demand for physical transport by facilitating teleworking and teleservices, the requirement for transport continues to increase…’ Here,  ‘requirement for transport continues to increase…’ and ‘need for transport is growing’ means the same. Thus, the statement clarifies an answer.

Answer: True

‘European transport system 1990-2010’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM- 10

23. To reduce production costs, some industries have been moved closer to their relevant consumers.

Location: 2nd paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last two lines of the paragraph. ‘This phenomenon has been emphasized by the relocation of some industries, particularly those which are labour intensive, to reduce production costs, even though the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away from the final assembly plant or away from users…’This means some industries moved far away. Here, the question statement contradicts the passage statement. ‘moved far away’ is opposite to ‘moved closer’.
Answer: False

24. Cars are prohibitively expensive in some EU candidate countries.

Location: C paragraph

Explanation: Even though the main keyword ‘EU candidate’ is there in the paragraph. But there is no information regarding expenses of cars in EU candidate. Thus, no information available.

Answer: Not Given

‘European transport system 1990-2010’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM- 10

25. The Gothenburg European Council was set up 30 years ago.

Location: D paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘Gothenburg’ is there in the second line of the paragraph. The writer mentions about the ’30 years ago’ in the last line. But this depicts about the proposed time for the sustainable development. Thus, there is no information regarding the setup of Gothenburg council.

Answer: Not Given

26. By the end of this decade, CO2 emissions from transport are predicted to reach 739 billion tonnes.

Location: E paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘CO2 emissions’ helps to find an answer in the third line of the paragraph. ‘CO2 emissions from transport can be expected to increase by around 50% to 1,113 billion tonnes by 2020, compared with the 739 billion tonnes recorded in 1990…’Here, this statement states that 739 billion tonnes was recorded in 1990 not by the end of this decade. Thus, the question statement is opposite to the passage statement.

Answer: False

‘European transport system 1990-2010’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM- 10

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