‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

Here are explanations of the Questions of passage named, ‘Museums of fine art and their public’ which is from the Cambridge 10 book. The Questions that have been asked are ‘MCQs’ ‘Summary Blanks’ and Yes/No/Not Given. You will find the locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords(highlighted and underlined) and justifications.

READING PASSAGE 3: Museums of fine art and their public


Question  Answer
 27 B
 28 H
 29 L
 30 G
 31 D
 32 C
 33 D
 34 A
 35 D
 37 NO
 38 YES
 40 NO

Questions 27-31

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-L, below.
Write the correct letter, A-L, in boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet.

The value attached to original works of art

People go to art museums because they accept the value of seeing an original work of art. But they do not go to museums to read original manuscripts of novels, perhaps because the availability of novels has depended on 27 ………………..  for so long,

Location: 2nd paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘This might be explained by the fact that the novel has evolved precisely because of technological developments that made it possible to print out huge numbers of texts…’ Here, the writer states that the novels has evolved because of prints of huge number of texts due to technology. Here, ‘prints of huge number of texts’ means ‘mass production’.

Answer: B

and also because with novels, the 28 ……………….. are the most important thing.

Location: 2nd paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the fourth line of the paragraph. ‘With novels, the reader attends mainly to the meaning of words rather than the way they are printed on the page, whereas the ‘reader’ of a painting must attend just as closely to the material form of marks and shapes in the picture as to any ideas they may signify…’Here, ‘must attend just as closely…’ clarifies that ideas are as important as material form of marks. Thus, the answer is H.

Answer: H

‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

However, in historical times artists such as Leonardo were happy to instruct 29 ……………….. to produce copies of their work

Location: 3rd paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘Leonardo’ and its reference is there in the third line of the paragraph. ‘The seven surviving versions of Mona Lisa bear witness to the fact that in the 16th century, artists seemed perfectly content to assign the reproduction of their creations to their workshop apprentices as regular ‘bread and butter’ work…’ Here, ‘workshop apprentices’ give reference to ‘assistants’. Thus, the answer is L.

Answer: L

and these days new methods of reproduction allow excellent replication of surface relief features as well as colour and 30 ………………..

Location: 3rd paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘reproduction’ and its reference is there last line of the paragraph. ‘And today the task of reproducing pictures is incomparably more simple and reliable, with reprographic techniques that allow the production of high-quality prints made exactly to the original scale, with faithful colour values…’ Here, ‘reprographic techniques’ are the new methods. Moreover, ‘original scale’ and ‘size’ are synonyms.

Answer: G

‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

It is regrettable that museums still promote the superiority of original works of art, since this may not be in the interests of the 31 ……………….. .

Location: 4th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘museums’ and its reference is there in the last line of the paragraph. Unfortunately, this seems to place severe limitations on the kind of experience offered to visitors…’Here, ‘limitations on the kind of experience’ and ‘may not be in the interests of…’ means the same. In addition, ‘visitors’ refer to ‘public’. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: D

  1. institution            B. mass production               C. mechanical processes
    D.  public                  E. paints                                    F. artist
    G. size                      H. underlying ideas                 I. basic technology
    J readers                K. picture frames                    L. assistants

Questions 32-35

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 32-35 on your answer sheet.

32. The writer mentions London’s National Gallery to illustrate

A.the undesirable cost to a nation of maintaining a huge collection of art.
B.  the conflict that may arise in society between financial and artistic values.
C.  the negative effect a museum can have on visitors’ opinions of themselves.
D.  the need to put individual well-being above large-scale artistic schemes.

Location: 5th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘national gallery’ helps to locate an answer in the last line of the paragraph. ‘In a society that judges the personal status of the individual so much by their material worth, it is, therefore, difficult not to be impressed by one’s own relative ‘worthlessness’ in such an environment…’Here, ‘worthlessness’ means negative impact. Moreover, the writer states about the negative impact.

Answer: C

‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

33. The writer says that today, viewers may be unwilling to criticise a because

A   they lack the knowledge needed to support an opinion.
B.  they fear it may have financial implications.
C.  they have no real concept of the work’s value.
D.  they feel their personal reaction is of no significance.
Location: 6th  paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘since these works were originally produced, they have been assigned a huge monetary value by some person or institution more powerful than themselves…’ Therefore, they are unwilling to criticize a work because their reaction is of no significance.

Answer: D

‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

34. According to the writer, the ‘displacement effect’ on the visitor is caused by
         A.  the variety of works on display and the way they are arranged.
B.  the impossibility of viewing particular works of art over a long     period.

C.  the similar nature of the paintings and the lack of great works.
D.  the inappropriate nature of the individual works selected for exhibition.

Location: 7th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘displacement effect’ and it helps to locate an answer in the first line of the paragraph. ‘The visitor may then be struck by the strangeness of seeing such diverse paintings, drawings and sculptures brought together in an environment for which they were not originally created…’This statement states variety of works on display such as paintings, drawings and sculptures. Here, ‘variety’ and ‘diverse’ are synonyms. Moreover, these are arranged in an environment  which they are not created for.

Answer: A

‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

35. The writer says that unlike other forms of art, a painting does not
   A.  involve direct contact with an audience.
B.  require a specific location for a performance.
C.  need the involvement of other professionals.
D.  have a specific beginning or end.

Location: 8th paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the second and fourth line of the paragraph. ‘A fundamental difference between paintings and other art forms is that there is no prescribed time over which a painting is viewed… novels and poems are read in a prescribed temporal sequence, whereas a picture has no clear place at which to start viewing, or at which to finish…’ Here, the writer states that major difference between paintings and other forms of art is that paintings have no specific beginning or end. Moreover, Start= beginning, finish=end.

Answer: D

Questions 36-40

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet, write

    YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
    NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
    NOT GIVEN if the is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

36. Art history should focus on discovering the meaning of art using a range of media.

Location: Second last paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘Art history’ and its reference is there in the paragraph. ‘Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialised academic approach devoted to ‘discovering the meaning’ of art within the cultural context of its time…’ Here, the writer talks about the discovering the meaning of art but this line do not states about whether art history should focus on meaning or not. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: Not Given

37. The approach of art historians conflicts with that of art museums.

Location: Second last paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘This is in perfect harmony with the museum’s function, since the approach is dedicated to seeking out and conserving ‘authentic’, original, readings of the exhibits…’ Here, ‘harmony’ is opposite to ‘conflicts’. Thus, the question statement is opposite to the passage statement.

Answer: No

‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

38. People should be encouraged to give their opinions openly on works of art.

Location: Last paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘The museum public, like any other audience, experience art more rewardingly when given the confidence to express their views…’This line means that art is more rewarding when public is free to express to their views. Here, ‘give their opinions  openly’ has been written as ‘given confidence to express their views…’ in the paragraph.

Answer: Yes

39. Reproductions of fine art should only be sold to the public if they are of high quality.

Location: Last paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘reproductions’ helps to find an answer in the  third line of the paragraph. ‘If appropriate works of fine art could be rendered permanently accessible to the public by means of high-fidelity reproductions…’ But there is no information regarding the selling of fine art to the public. Thus, no information available.

Answer: Not Given

40. In the future, those with power are likely to encourage more people to enjoy art.

Location: Last paragraph (Last line)

Explanation: The writer says, ‘Unfortunately, that may be too much to ask from those who seek to maintain and control the art establishment…’The question statement contradicts the passage statement.This line means it is not good idea (unfortunate) to ask people with power to maintain museums to encourage people to enjoy art. Here, ‘likely to encourage’ is opposite to ‘not a good idea to ask’ . Thus, the answer is No.

Answer: No

‘Museums of fine art and their public’- Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 10

‘Gifted children and learning’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM -10

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