‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11

‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11

Here are explanations of the Questions of passage named, ‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’ which is from the Cambridge 11 book. The Questions that have been asked are ‘Finding information’, ‘Blanks and ‘Finding writer’s name’. You will find the locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords(highlighted and underlined) and justifications.

READING PASSAGE 3: Reducing The Effects of Climate Change

Question  Answer
 27 D
 28 B
 29 A
 31 IRON
 35 SNOW
 37 B
 38 D
 39 C
 40 A

Questions 27-29

Reading Passage has eight paragraphs A-H

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 27-29 on your answer sheet.

27. mention of a geo-engineering project based on an earlier natural phenomenon

Location and Answer: D

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘natural phenomenon’ and its reference is there in the ‘The idea is modelled on historic volcanic explosions, such as that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991…’Here, ‘natural phenomenon’ is ‘volcanic explosions’. Moreover, ‘earlier’ and ‘historic’ are synonyms. Thus, the answer is D.

‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11

28. an example of a successful use of geo-engineering

Location and Answer: B

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the first two lines of the paragraph. ‘Geo-engineering has been shown to work… For decades, MayDay parades in Moscow have taken place under clear blue skies, aircraft having deposited dry ice, silver iodide and cement powder to disperse clouds…’

29. a common definition of geo-engineering

Location and Answer: A

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘definition’ and its reference is there in the second last line of the paragraph. ‘an increasing number of scientists are beginning to explore the alternative of geo-engineering — a term which generally refers to the intentional large-scale manipulation of the environment…’Here, ‘generally refers to…’ means ‘common definition’. Thus, the writer states the common definition in this statement.

Questions 30-36

Complete the table below.

Choose ONE WORD from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 30-36 on your answer sheet.


Procedure Aim
put a large number

of tiny spacecraft into

orbit far above Earth

to create30 

that would reduce the amount

of light reaching Earth

place 31 

in the sea

to encourage 32 

to form

release aerosol sprays

into the stratosphere

to create 33

that would reduce the amount

of light reaching Earth

fix strong 34 

to Greenland ice sheets

to prevent icebergs moving into the sea
plant trees in Russian Arctic

that would lose their leaves

in winter

to allow the 35 

to reflect radiation

change the direction of


to bring more cold water into

ice-forming areas

‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11


Location: B paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘create’ has been written as ‘form’ in the last line of the paragraph. ‘His scheme would employ up to 16 trillion minute spacecraft, each weighing about one gram, to form a transparent, sunlight-refracting sunshade in an orbit 1.5 million km above the Earth.’ Here, ‘1.5 km about the Earth= far above the Earth. Hence, the answer is clear.

Answer: Sunshade

31, 32

Location: C paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the beginning of the paragraph. ‘The majority of geo-engineering projects so far carried out — which include planting forests in deserts and depositing iron in the ocean to stimulate the growth of algae – have focused on achieving a general cooling of the Earth…’Here, ‘place’ and ‘deposit’ means the same. Moreover, sea=ocean, ‘stimulate’ means ‘encourage’

Answer: (31) Iron (32) Algae

‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11


Location: D paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘aerosol’ helps to locate an answer in the second line of the paragraph. ‘This would involve using sulphur or hydrogen sulphide aerosols so that sulphur dioxide would form clouds which would, in turn, lead to a global dimming…Here, ‘global dimming’ means ‘reduce the amount of light reaching Earth’. Thus, this statement clarify the answer.

Answer: Clouds


Location: D paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘Greenland’ helps to locate an answer in the middle line of the paragraph. ‘Scientists have also scrutinised whether it’s possible to preserve the ice sheets of Greenland with reinforced high-tension cables…’ Here, ‘reinforced’ and ‘strong’ are synonyms. Hence, the answer is ‘cables’

Answer: Cables

‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11


Location: D paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the second last line of the paragraph. ‘birches would shed their leaves in winter, thus enabling radiation to be reflected by the snow…’ ‘Lose their leaves’ has been written as ‘shed their leaves’ in the passage. Furthermore, ‘allow’ and ‘enable’ means the same.

Answer: Snow.


Location: D paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘Re-routing Russian rivers to increase cold water flow to ice-forming areas…’ Here, ‘re-routing’ means to ‘change the direction’. In addition, ‘increase’ and ‘more’ are synonyms.Thus, this statement makes it clear that the direction of rivers are changing.

Answer: Rivers 

Questions 37-40

Look at the following statements (Questions 37-40) and the list of scientists below.

Match each statement with the correct scientist, A-D.

Write the correct letter, A-D, in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.

List of Scientists

A    Roger Angel

B    Phil Rasch

C    Dan Lunt

D    Martin Sommerkorn

37    The effects of geo-engineering may not be long-lasting.

Location: E paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘’I think all of us agree that if we were to end geo-engineering on a given day, then the planet would return to its pre-engineered condition very rapidly…’ This statement means if we end geo-engineering then the effect on the planet may also end. Thus, the effect would not be long-lasting.

Answer: B

‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11

38   Geo-engineering is a topic worth exploring.

Location: H paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘‘Human-induced climate change has brought humanity to a position where we shouldn’t exclude thinking thoroughly about this topic and its possibilities.’  The writer states that we should think thoroughly about this topic. Thus, the topic is worth exploring.

Answer: D

39   It may be necessary to limit the effectiveness of geo-engineering projects.

Location: G paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last line of the G paragraph. ‘To avoid such a scenario,” Hunt says, “Angel’s project would have to operate at half strength…’Here, ‘operate at half strength’ means to ‘limit the effectiveness’ Thus, the answer is C

Answer: C

‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11

40  Research into non-fossil-based fuels cannot be replaced by geo-engineering.

Location: E paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘no substitute for developing renewable energy: the only permanent solution…’Here, ‘non-fossil-based fuels’= renewable energy. Moreover, ‘cannot be replaced’ and ‘no substitute’ means the same.

Answer: A

‘Reducing the Effects of Climate Change’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM-11

‘The Falkirk wheel’-Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 11 

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