‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

Here are explanations of the Questions of passage named ‘Stonehenge’, which is from the Cambridge 18 book. The Questions that have been asked are ‘Blanks’ and ‘True/False/Not Given. You will find the locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords(highlighted and underlined) and justifications.

READING PASSAGE 1: ‘Stonehenge’

Question Answer
Questions 1-8

Complete the notes below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

White your answers in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet

Stonehenge Construction

Stage 1:

the ditch and henge were dug, possibly using tools made from 1……………….

Location: 2nd  paragraph   

Explanation:  The answer to this question is in the second line of the paragraph. ‘First, Neolithic Britons used primitive tools, which may have been fashioned out of deer antlers, to dig a massive circular ditch and bank, or henge…’ Here, ‘dug’ is the second form of verb ‘dig’. In  addition, ‘fashioned out’ and ‘made from’ means the same. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer:(deep) Antlers

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

2……………….may have been arranged in deep pits inside the circle

Location: 2nd paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘deep pits’ helps to locate an answer in the last line of the paragraph. ‘Deep pits dating back to that era and located within the circle may have once held a ring of timber posts, according to some scholars…’  Here, ‘within the circle’ and ‘inside the circle’ means the same. Moreover, ‘held a ring of timber posts’ refers to the arrangements.


Stage 2:

  • bluestones from the Preseli Hills were placed in standing position
  • theories about the transportation of the bluestones:


builders used 3…….…….. to make sledges and rollers

Location: In the 4th  paragraph

Explanation: The main keywords ‘sledges’ and ‘rollers’ helps to locate an answer in the first line of the paragraph. ‘According to one long-standing theory among archaeologists, Stonehenge’s builders fashioned sledges and rollers out of tree trunks to lug the bluestones from the Preseli Hills…’ Here, ‘fashioned sledges…’ means ‘to make sledges…’ Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: Tree trunks

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

4…………….pulled them on giant baskets

Location: In 4th paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘More recent archaeological hypotheses have them transporting the bluestones with supersized wicker baskets on a combination of ball bearings and long grooved planks, hauled by oxen….’ Here, ‘hauled by’ and ‘pulled them’ means the same. Moreover, ‘supersized’ and ‘giant’ means the same.

Answer: Oxen

– geological:

they were brought from Wales by 5……………

Location: 5th Paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘Wales’ helps to locate an answer in the third line of the paragraph. ‘Challenging the classic image of industrious builders pushing, carting, rolling or hauling giant stones from faraway Wales, some scientists have suggested that it was glaciers, hot humans, that carried the bluestones to Salisbury Plain…’ Here, ‘carried the bluestones to Salisbury…’ that means brought from Wales to Salisbury by glaciers.

Answer: Glaciers

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

Stage 3:

  • sandstone slabs were arranged into an outer crescent or ring


  • a theory arose in the 17th century that its builders were Celtic 6……………

Location: 7th paragraph

Explanation: The main keywords are ‘17th century’ and ‘celtic’ and its reference is there in the second line of the paragraph. ‘But who were the builders of Stonehenge? In the 17th century, archaeologist John Aubrey made the claim that Stonehenge was the work of druids, who had important religious, judicial and political roles in Celtic” society…’ Here, ‘made the claim’ and ‘arose theory’ means the same. Furthermore, the writer states that Stonehenge was the work of druids from Celtic society. ‘work of…’= ‘builders’.

Answer: Druids

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18


  • many experts agree it has been used as a 7…………….site

Location: 9th  paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘While there is consensus among the majority of modern scholars that Stonehenge once served the function of burial ground, they have yet to determine what other purposes it had…’ Here, ‘scholars’ refers to ‘experts’. In addition, ‘consensus’ and ‘agreement’ are synonyms.

Answer: Burial

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18
  • in the 1960s, it was suggested that it worked as a kind of 8…………..

Location: 10th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘1960s’ helps to locate an answer in the first line of the paragraph. ‘In the 1960s, the astronomer Gerald Hawkins suggested that the cluster of megalithic stones operated as a form of calendar, with different points corresponding to astrological phenomena such as solstices…’ Here, ‘operated as a form of calendar’ and ‘it worked as a kind of calendar’ means the same.

Answer: Calendar

Questions 9-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 17

In boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE If the statement agrees with the information

FALSE If the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN If there is no information on this

9. During the third phase of construction, sandstone slabs were placed in both the outer areas and the middle of the Stonehenge site.

Location: 6th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘sandstone slabs’ helps to locate an answer in the initial lines of the paragraph. ‘The third phase of construction took place around 2000 BCE. At this point, sandstone slabs-known as ‘sarsens-were arranged into an outer crescent or ring, some were (9 assembled into the iconic three-pieced structures called trilithons that stand tall in the centre of Stonehenge…’ Here, ‘third phase of construction’ is exactly written in the passage. ‘outer crescent or ring’ refers to ‘outer areas’. Moreover, ‘centre’ and ‘middle’ are synonyms.

Answer: True

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

10. There is scientific proof that the bluestones stood in the same spot until approximately 1600 BCE.

Location: 6th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘1600 BCE’ and it is there in the last line of the paragraph. ‘Radiocarbon dating has revealed that work continued at Stonehenge until roughly 1600 BCE, with the bluestones in particular being repositioned multiple times…’ Here, ‘bluestones in particular being repositioned multiple times…’ means it does not stood at the same spot. Thus, the question statement contradicts the passage statement.

Answer: False

11. John Aubrey’s claim about Stonehenge was supported by 20th-century findings.

Location: 7th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘John Aubrey’s’ helps to locate an answer in the second line of the paragraph. ‘In the 17th century, archaeologist John Aubrey made the claim that Stonehenge was the work of druids, who had important religious, judicial and political roles in Celtic” society….’ Here, the writer states that John Aubrey made the claim that Stonehenge as the work of druids in the 17th century findings not in the 20th century. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: False

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

12. Objects discovered at Stonehenge seem to indicate that it was constructed by a number of different groups of people.

Location: 8th paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the first two lines of the paragraph. ‘Many modern historians and archaeologists now agree that several distinct tribes of people contributed to Stonehenge, each undertaking a different phase of its construction….’  Here, ‘distinct tribes of people contributed’ and ‘different groups of people’ means the same. Thus, the answer is True as the question statement is similar to passage statement.

Answer: True

13. Criticism of Gerald Hawkins’ theory about Stonehenge has come mainly from other astronomers.

Location: 10th paragraph

Explanation: Though the main keywords ‘Gerald Hawkins’ and ‘astronomers’ are there in the beginning of the paragraph. ‘In the 1960s, the astronomer Gerald Hawkins suggested that the cluster of megalithic stones operated as a form of calendar, with different points corresponding to astrological phenomena…’ But there is no reference regarding Criticism of Gerald Hawkins’ theory. Thus, no information available.

Answer: Not Given

‘Stonehenge’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

‘Conquering Earth’s space junk problem’ – Reading Answer Explanation – CAM – 18

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