‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

Here are explanations of the Questions of passage named, ‘The megafires of California’ which is from the Cambridge 10 book. The Questions that have been asked are ‘True/False/Not Given’,  and Blanks. You will find the locations of the Reading Answers, Keywords(highlighted and underlined) and justifications.

READING PASSAGE 1: The megafires of California

Question Answer

Questions 1-6

Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER from the reading passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.  Wildfires

• Characteristics of wildfires and wildfire conditions today compared to the past:
– occurrence: more frequent
– temperature: hotter
– speed: faster
– movement: 1…………………………. more unpredictably

Location: 1st paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘The wildfires themselves, experts say, are generally hotter, faster, and spread more erratically than in the past….’ Here, ‘spread more erratically’ means ‘spread unpredictably’. Thus, the answer is ‘spread’

Answer: Spread

‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

– size of fires: 2…………………………. greater on average than two decades ago • Reasons wildfires cause more damage today compared to the past:

Location: 2nd paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the first line of the paragraph. ‘Megafires, also called ‘siege fires’, are the increasingly frequent blazes that burn 500,000 acres or more – 10 times the size of the average forest fire of 20 years ago…’Here, ‘2 decades ago’ means ’20 years ago’ as 1 decade=10 years. Moreover, the writer states ten times the size of average forest that means 10 times greater on average. Thus, the answer is ‘10 times’

Answer: 10 times

rainfall3…………………………. average

Location: 3rd paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword is ‘rainfall’ and its reference is there in the first two lines of the paragraph. ‘One explanation for the trend to more superhot fires is that the region, which usually has dry summers, has had significantly below normal precipitation in many recent years…’ Here, ‘rainfall’ and ‘precipitation’ are synonyms. In addition, ‘below average’ has been written as ‘below normal’ in the paragraph.

Answer: Below

‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

– more brush to act as 4………………………….
– increase in yearly temperature

Location: 3rd paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘The unintentional consequence has been to halt the natural eradication of underbrush, now the primary fuel for megafires…’Here, the writer states that US forest service had a policy to eradicate the underbrush regularly because it was the primary fuel for the megafires. But now they halt the natural eradication. Therefore, underbrush is growing and acting as a fuel.

Answer: Fuel

– extended fire 5………………………….

Location: 4th paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the third line of the paragraph. ‘Second is fire seasons that on average are 78 days longer than they were 20 years ago…’ This statement clarifies that fire seasons are extended as that on average are 78 days longer than past. This means these seasons were extended. Thus, the answer is clear.

Answer: Seasons

‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

– more building of 6…………………………. in vulnerable places

Location: 4th paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last line of the paragraph. ‘Third is increased construction of homes in wooded areas…’ Here, ‘increased construction’ and ‘more building of’ means the same. Moreover, ‘vulnerable places’ refers to the wooded areas. Hence, the answer is ‘homes’

Answer: Homes

Questions 7-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?

In boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet, write

    TRUE   if the statement agrees with the information
    FALSE   if the statement contradicts the information
    NOT GIVEN   if there is no information on this

7. The amount of open space in California has diminished over the last ten years.

Location: 6th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘California’ helps to locate an answer in the first two lines of the paragraph. ‘In California, where population growth has averaged more than 600,000 a year for at least a decade, more residential housing is being built. ‘What once was open space is now residential homes providing fuel to make fires burn with greater intensity…’ Here, this line means that open space is now replaced by residential homes. That means open space has been diminished. Thus, the answer is True.

Answer: True

‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

8. Many experts believe California has made little progress in readying itself to fight fires.

Location: 7th paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the beginning of the paragraph. ‘That said, many experts give California high marks for making progress on preparedness in recent years, after some of the largest fires in state history scorched thousands of acres, burned thousands of homes, and killed numerous people…’ Here, ‘reading itself’ and ‘preparedness’ means the same. The writer states that many experts give California high marks which means they were praised for their progress. Thus, the question statement contradicts the passage statement.

Answer: False

9. Personnel in the past have been criticised for mishandling fire containment.

Location: 7th paragraph

Explanation: The main keyword ‘fire containment’ helps to locate an answer in the first two lines of the paragraph. ‘Stung in the past by criticism of bungling that allowed fires to spread when they might have been contained, personnel are meeting the peculiar challenges of neighborhood – and canyon- hopping fires better than previously, observers say…’ Here, ‘bungling’ and ‘mishandling’ means the same. In addition, the writer clearly states that personnel have been criticized. Thus, the answer is True.

Answer: True

‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

10. California has replaced a range of firefighting tools.

Location: 9th paragraph

Explanation: The location of the answer is in the first line of the paragraph. ‘Besides providing money to upgrade the fire engines that must traverse the mammoth state and wind along serpentine canyon roads…’Here, ‘fire engines’ give reference to ‘firefighting tools’. Moreover, the writer says that they invested money to upgrade engines. Here, ‘upgrade’ and ‘replaced’ means the same. Thus, the answer is True.

Answer: True

11. More firefighters have been hired to improve fire-fighting capacity.

Location: 9th paragraph

Explanation: Though the writer states about the upgrading of firefighters. But there is no information regarding whether more firefighters have been hired or not to improve fire-fighting capacity. Thus, no information available.

Answer: Not Given

‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

12. Citizens and government groups disapprove of the efforts of different states and agencies working together.

Location: 9th paragraph

Explanation: The answer to this question is in the last two lines of the paragraph. ‘There is a sense among both government officials and residents that the speed, dedication, and coordination of firefighters from several states and jurisdictions are resulting in greater efficiency than in past ‘siege fire’ situations…’ Here, this line states that both residents (citizens) and government  supports the coordination of firefighters. But the question says that they disapprove this. Working together= coordination. Thus, the question statement contradicts the passage statement.

Answer: False

13. Randy Jacobs believes that loss of life from fires will continue at the same levels, despite changes made.

Location: Last paragraph

Explanation: The main keywords ‘Randy Jacobs’ helps to locate an answer in the last lines of the paragraph. ‘Notwithstanding all the damage that will continue to be caused by wildfires, we will no longer suffer the loss of life endured in the past because of the fire prevention and firefighting measures that have been put in place,’ he says,…’ Here, the question statement contradicts the passage statement. The writer states that we will no longer suffer the loss of life. But the question statement states that loss of life will continue despite the measures. Thus, the answer is False.

Answer: False

‘The megafires of California’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM- 10

‘Beyond the blue horizon’- Reading Answer Explanation- CAM – 10

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