Band 4.5 Sample: The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.

Band 4.5 Sample: The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.

Introductory Statement:

The representative chart provides the information about the amount of leisure time enjoyed by males and females in one complete years and these states were based on the different employment status of people.

Body Paragraph 1:

A glance is enough to make it clear that males, which were either unemployed or retired, enjoyed a lot of leisure time, as compare to other categories. Meanwhile, not a single male person of part time job status had time for leisure activities.

Body Paragraph 2:

Coming to details, in a typical week, males which were working as full time employees, they spent more than 40 hours for leisure activities. On the other hand, females got slightly under 40 hours for enjoyment. Moreover, the females of part time jobs spent approximately 40-45 hours per week for doing leisure activities.


As per the data, the unemployed men spent more than 80 hours in a particular week for enjoyment. Around 70 hours consumed by unemployed women in one week for leisure. Also, the same trend was followed by retired males and females, and the states were almost as unemployed.

Band 4.5 Sample: The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.

Band 5 Sample: The graph below shows the proportion of four different materials that were recycled from…

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