Band 4.5 Sample: The charts below show the results…

bar graph and pie chart task 1 ielts

Band 4.5 Sample: The charts below show the results…of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.

The informative charts provide the information about a survey conducted on adult education. The bar chart illustrates the various reasons that why adult want to study and the pie chart represents how individual thinks the costs of the adult education be divided.

Overall, majority of adults are prefer to study because of their interests in various subject and also, to became graduates. On the other hand, the cost of education is probably defend on the individual expenditures as compare to other fields.

Coming to details, the most preferable reasons why adult want to study are firstly because of their interests in various subject. Secondly, to get qualifications for both reasons 40% and 38% adults are agree, respectively. The minor preference for Study are to able to change jobs and to meet people.

On the other hand, the structure for expenditures shared education is based on three separate fields. In which individual expenditure should be 40%. Plus, the costs from taxpayers should be quarter.

Band 4.5 Sample: The charts below show the results…of a survey of adult education.

Band 5 Sample Answer: The table below shows social and…

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