Band 5.0 Sample: The chart below shows the annual number of rentals and sales (in various formats)of films from a particular store between 2002 and 2011.

Band 5.0 Sample: The chart below shows the annual number of rentals and sales (in various formats)of films from a particular store between 2002 and 2011.

Paraphrasing Statement:

The given bar graph  illustrates the annual number of sales and rentals between 2002 and 2011 in four formats of rentals, VHS sales, DVD sales and blu- ray sales of films from a particular store.

Overall Statement:

Overall it is clearly visible  that , there are four formats was films. There was the highest of DVD and lowest sales of blu- ray 2002 and 211.

Body Paragraph1:

On coming to details, in 2002 the annual rentals were 180,000(approx.) but as moving further it states decline up to 140,000 sales in 2006. Even after 2006 it did not increase but keep on declining to up to 45,000 (approx.) annual number of sales in rentals in 2011. The number of sales of films from a particular store for VHS was 87,000(approx.) sales in 2002. The sales of VHS continue too full. In 2004 its decline to 60,000(approx.) sales only. And in 2005 was 10,000 VHS sales left.

Body Paragraph 2:

On moving further, in 2002 there was 48,000 DVD sales. But in 2007 the sales of DVD rise above 200,000 sales of films from a particular store. But after 2007, it declines to 18,000(approx.) in the annual number of sales in DVD. The sales of Blu-ray start to rise in 2002 about 9,000(approx.) sales only. In 2011 it reaches up to 11,000 annual number of Blu-ray sales of films from a particular store.

Band 5.0 Sample: The chart below shows the annual number of rentals and sales (in various formats)of films from a particular store between 2002 and 2011.

Band 5.5 Sample: The chart below shows the results of a survey about people’s coffee and tea buying and drinking habits in five Australian cities.

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