Band 5.5 Sample: The diagram below shows the environmental issues raised by a product over its life cycle.

Band 5.5 Sample: The diagram below shows the environmental issues raised by a product over its life cycle.

Paraphrasing Statement:

The provided diagram illustrates the environmental problem raised by a life cycle of a product over it.

Overall Statement:

Overall it is clearly visible that, product life cycle begin with planning and design. Then it ends with the recycling stage.

Body Paragraph 1:

On coming to details, the environmental issues raised by a product over its life cycle begins with the planning and designing of the product. In the second step, energy resources and consumption materials transported by trucks to the manufacturing site. Then in third step, after reaching materials at the manufacturing site, it converted into product. Thus , at this stage the final product is ready to sell. In the next step, the final product move to the packaging line before its final distribution. Machines are used to transport product for its packaging.

Body Paragraph 2:

On moving further, after packaging of the product in moves for distribution. In the fifth step, the manufacture distribute the products for sales. The product then delivered to the consumers house. Then in the next step the final product used by the consumers. But after  the use, many customers opt to just dispose the used products. But some customers send it to the recycling unit. Customers are also required to give their feedback regarding their product. Hence it raise the environmental issue through product life cycle.

Band 5.5 Sample: The diagram below shows the environmental issues raised by a product over its life cycle.

Band 6 Sample: The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.

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