Band 6.5 Sample: The pie charts below show the online sales for retail sectors in New Zealand in 2003 and 2013.

Band 6.5 Sample: The pie charts below show the online sales for retail sectors in New Zealand in 2003 and 2013.

Paraphrasing Statement:

The given pie charts elaborate the online shopping sales for retail sectors  in new Zealand in 2003 and 2013.

Overall Statement:

Overall, it is clearly visible that, the online sales for travel sector were highest in the initial years. While, the sale for film/music were highest at the end of the year.

Body Paragraph 1:

On coming to the details, the online sales for cloths were 24% In New Zealand in the year 2003. While, the online sales for cloths were 16% in the year 2013. Moreover, the online sales for books sector were 19% in the year 2003 in New Zealand. While, in the year 2013 the sale of book sector were increased to 22% in New Zealand.

Body Paragraph 2:

Moving towards the remaining details, the sales for travel sector were 36% in the year 2003. While, it showed reduction of 29% in the year 2013 in New Zealand. Furthermore, the remaining sector was of film and music. The sales for film/movie sector were 21% in the year 2003. These sales of film/music were increased to 33% in the year 2013.

Band 6.5 Sample: The pie charts below show the online sales for retail sectors in New Zealand in 2003 and 2013.

Band 8 Sample: Some people believe that if the police force carries guns, it would encourage a higher level of violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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