Band 7.0 Sample: The chart below shows the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.

Band 7.0 Sample: The chart below

Band 7.0 Sample: The chart below shows the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.


The pie charts illustrate the information about the consumption of water mainly for three purposes in six countries of the world.


Overall, a glance is enough to make it clear that the maximum proportion of water used for agriculture purposes is in four major countries instead of Europe and North America. Whereas Europe used high amounts of water for industrial purposes.

Body Paragraph 1:

To begin with, North America consumed 39% of water for agricultural purposes. Whereas only 13% of water is used for domestic reasons in North America. On the other hand, 71% and 19% water was consumed by agriculture land and household respectively in South America. Moreover, industries consumed 48% and 10% of water in North America and South America respectively. Furthermore, Europe used a high proportion of water for industrial use, that was 53%. Whereas 15% of water is consumed for domestic purpose in Europe.

Body Paragraph 2:

On the other hand, Africa and Central Asia consumed 84% and 88% of water respectively for agricultural purposes. Moreover, 9% and 7% of water was consumed by Africa for domestic and industrial use. Whereas, central Asia used a small proportion of water, that was 5% for industrial use. However, Southeast Asia consumed a very huge portion of water for agricultural purposes, that accounted for 81%. Furthermore, 7% of water was used for household purposes in Southeast Asia.

Band 7.0 Sample: The chart below shows the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.

Band 6.5 Sample: The diagram below shows the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon.

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