Band 8.5 Sample: Some people feel that paparazzi should not follow celebrities and invade their privacy by taking picture of them everywhere, while others believe that this is the price of fame. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Band 8.5 Sample: Some people feel that paparazzi should not follow celebrities and invade their privacy by taking picture of them everywhere, while others believe that this is the price of fame. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Introductory Statement:

General Line In the modern era, Cameras have changed the way information travels all around.
Paraphrasing Line Few Individuals consider that paparazzi must not chase famous personalities and hinder their privacy by clicking photographs of them at every place. Whereas, others admit that it’s the price of the popularity they have gained.
Thesis Line This essay intends to discuss both views.
Outline Firstly, it will discuss that every human being even if he is celebrity has a basic right of maintaining his privacy without interference. Secondly, it shall elaborate that fans have every right to know about the life of the ideals that they consider their inspirations.

Body Paragraph 1 :

Starting Line Discussing the first perspective, every individual desires to have his own personal space.
Explanation Where they can spend time with their family and friend.
Elaboration Moreover, this personal space is very fruitful in case of famous personalities. As they get opportunity to polish their abilities and explore of their talents. Which ultimately helps in their careers. Plus, having this precious time is a kind of rejuvenation. Being far away from the lime light is beneficial for the craft that they do in the public life.
Example- To exemplify, the findings of Previous Year report of HRD Ministry can be stated which found that 90 percent of the celebrities admitted that they feel infringed by the paparazzi and they wish to have a personal space.

Body Paragraph 2:

Starting Line  Enlightening the second perspective, as the public figures have their fans which admire and follow them, paparazzi helps to them by bridging the gap between both the entities.
Explanation As the true fans tend to follow and few of them even do blindly. It becomes the responsibility of the public figure to maintain that persona in personal life as well.
Elaboration Adding to this, the popularity a celebrity gains comes with the moral duties. Which are supposed to be cared as they have the strength to influence masses.
Example As per the article written by Dr. Partha Chatterjee, 69 percent of the youngsters across the globe admitted that the celebrities that they follow have huge influence in their lives.


To conclude, since chasing by the paparazzi is considered as hindering the privacy of the celebrities being considered by few, there are others who admit that it is price of their reorganization as they have moral duties to fulfill after becoming famous. Yet, somewhere personal space should also be maintained whether physically or mentally which is the opinion of this essay as well.

Band 8.5 Sample: Some people feel that paparazzi should not follow celebrities and invade their privacy by taking picture of them everywhere, while others believe that this is the price of fame. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Band 6.5 Sample: An increasing number of schools provide tablets and laptop computers for students to use in school, replacing books and other printed materials like exams and assignments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

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