Band 8 Sample: Some people believe that if the police force carries guns, it would encourage a higher level of violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Band 8 Sample: Some people believe that if the police force carries guns, it would encourage a higher level of violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Introductory Statement:

The Police Department is one of the most important pillars of a republic society. A city’s finest plays a major role in the country’s development and decorum. We need this force to be powerful enough to keep the whole country in line. And that can only happen if the department is well equipped in terms of arsenal and ammunition. There is a thick and distinguished line when it comes to what encourages violence and what doesn’t. This essay agrees that it is important for police to carry guns and will also explain that violence in society is not something that is dependent on the armory of the Police Department.

Body Paragraph 1:

It is crucial for Police to carry guns. People do not arm themselves to fight the police but they do it to resolve other things. For Police, guns are, in a way, a quicker resolution. It is not necessary that the Police fire the gun. The mere presence of a piece is forceful enough to bend any stubborn figure in front of the law. Law should remain above everything else. In an unfortunate event of a civil war or an escalated gang conflict, it becomes necessary to control the situation before it bleeds any further. If police are not armed with necessary weapons, then the perpetrator will not feel weak enough for submission. There have been many times when guns have saved Policemen’s lives. And has also controlled the situation before it hits the fan.

Body Paragraph 2:

The opposite face of this coin that says that Police carrying guns encourages violence, stems from the idea that weaponry of any kind disrupts peace. An individual, be it from the government or not, if wearing a weapon in public will make the public scared. The idea of a misfire or any accident will always horrify the general public. This makes it all the more necessary that the police who are carrying guns are well trained and wise enough to handle the piece and also keeping the comfort of the people around them. We need this power to be comfortable enough so it doesn’t disrupt the society’s peace.


Keeping both sides, this essay completely agrees that Police carrying guns is something that is important for the peace in society and it diminishes violence rather than encourages it. The violence in the society branches out from several other social constructs like movies, music videos that openly preach the use of guns.

Band 8 Sample: Some people believe that if the police force carries guns, it would encourage a higher level of violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Band 8 Sample: Some feel that individuals should try to assimilate completely to the country where they live while others feel it is more important to preserve their native culture. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

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