Band 9 Sample: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be most effective. • Comics • Books • Radio • Television • Film • Theater

Band 9 Sample: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be most effective. • Comics • Books • Radio • Television • Film • Theater

Introductory Statement:

Staying updated with the recent events is one of the most important exercises for an upstanding citizen. Therefore, it becomes important that we choose the right form of media to communicate the information to the masses. This essay will consider Comics, Television and Film as few of the popular forms of media and will compare its advantages and disadvantages. It explains how easy it becomes to reach people to convey the information and how addicting they might become if not controlled wisely.

Body Paragraph 1:

Starting with the advantages, Comics, Television and Film are some intelligent and exciting ways of communicating the information. The best advantage of these are that they are Visual in nature and are supported by pictures. “A picture has a thousand words”, stay true for these forms of media and can be used to convey a large amount of information in less time. Take recent rise in Comic-book and Superhero movies for example. They try to raise many of the social stigmas and information about different cultures through their form of media. Moreover, they are heavily dependent on Comics, Television shows and Films.

Body Paragraph 2:

Coming to the disadvantages, they are very addictive in nature. Sometimes people miss the whole point of this form of media, which is to communicate effortlessly and also have some fun doing it. Teenagers and sometimes adults get addicted to Comics, TV shows and films and also jeopardise their studies and social contacts. A survey done by NewYork Magazine in 2021 clearly showed that with rise in popularity of Comics, Television and Films have greatly impacted the young generation in many negative ways as well. Therefore, it becomes important to be very wise and mature about consuming these media in the right doses.


In conclusion, we can easily say that Comics, Television and Films have a lot of advantages when it comes to covering a lot of territory to convey the information, but the high tides of advantages bring the flood of disadvantages as well, like addiction, social loneliness etc. Therefore, it becomes vital to control the consumption and use it for maturely for recreational purposes.

Band 9 Sample: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be most effective. • Comics • Books • Radio • Television • Film • Theater

Band 8 Sample: Development should not be meant for only mankind rather it must be aimed to uplift the whole ecosystem. What will be the problems and solutions for it?

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