Band Sample 5: The graph below shows annual water usage….

Band Sample 5: The graph below shows annual water usage(in millions of cubic meters) by industries in some country.

The graphical representation gives the information of yearly water usage by industries in some countries.

Overall, the chemical industries used most of the ground water as well as for public supply. Additionally, industries of metal, paper and food drinks were the second highest for consuming the water.

The data shows the highest consumption of water in chemical industries was 430 millions of cubic meters for ground water and 240 millions of cubic meters for public supply usage. Howerver, while industries of metal and paper used 240 and 190 millions of cubic meter for ground purpose, respectively. They used only 90 and 20 millions of cubic meter of water for public supply use.

The figures for fuel and textiles were quite low as compared to others which was 70, 10 and 80,10 in millions of cubic meters ground water and public supply respectively. Furthermore, machinery industries consumed very less amount of water for ground purpose, which was 10 millions of cubic meter and 100 millions of cubic meter for public use.

Band Sample 5: The graph below shows annual water usage(in millions of cubic meters) by industries in some country.

Band 4.0 Sample: The information shows in the figures describes about imprisonment…

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