Describe a particular skill that you learned.

Describe a particular skill that you learned.

General line – Generally speaking, as being a Philomath(here: lover of learning) I always have curiosity to imbibe(here: grasp) something new because it gives me inner gratification(satisfaction). Today, I have got this privilege(opportunity) to unveil(reveal) about a particular pursuit(here: activity) that I have learned.

What the skill was?

It is nothing other than swimming. I found it immensely(greatly) engrossing(interesting) since my childhood.

When you learned it?

Well, I have memory like an elephant, so I conspicuously(clearly) remember a few months ago, I joined an academy which was stone’s through away(not very far or near) from my village and I started learning swimming over there because I was too much excited.

How you learned?

Initially, I found it tremendously(very) arduous(difficult) because I had aquaphobia(phobia of water). However, I wanted to kill my fear. So, I started practicing swimming with the help of swimming tube and when I became master of it. I started practicing without using any sort of equipment for swimming. Instead, I started doing this on my own, it was truly the best skill that I have learnt till now. Moreover, sometimes I used to watch some videos regarding swimming because it could give me the profound(keen) knowledge.

Why you think it was important?

Well, it was paramount(important) for me just mainly owning to in future I could be a professional swimmer and its my dream. Furthermore, this is one of the optimal(favorable) skills to learn because it is not solely(only) a way of getting enjoyment but also an effective way to burn the calories.

Describe a particular skill that you learned.

Describe a journey (e.g. by car, plane, boat) that you remember well.

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