Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.

Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.

General line – Predominantly(mainly), I get inspiration from other’s hard work and it helps me to give my best shot without doing self doubt. Today, I have got this opportunity(chance) to unveil about a particular person who inspired me tremendously(very much) to do something fascinating.

Who the person is?

Well, he is none other than my best friend and I know him since my childhood.

For what he inspired?

He is a disabled and he is unable to walk properly. Yet, he does not give up in life because he is a tenacious(strong) individual.

Why he inspired?

His profession is painting and he is fond of art. Whenever any competition of painting is organized, he invariably(always) takes part in it. The best thing about him is that, he is left handed because his right arm does not work. Moreover, he is the bread winner of his family. He participates in competitions and earns money in order to manage the financial expenses. Moreover, he sell his paintings to the shops and other consumers.

How did you feel about it?

Truly, I am proud of him just mainly owning to rather than expecting from others, he relies on himself. Really he inspired me a lot to do something good in my life. I developed my interest in painting because there is a big scope in this field. At first, I was unable to keep concentration and I considered painting as a difficult task. But then I realized that if my disabled friend could do this then why I not. Furthermore, his painting is marvelous and he has won number of awards. Whenever, I feel like I am not doing great I just observe his work. I can bluntly say that he is not only my inspirational friend but a teacher too.

Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.

Describe a stage in your life that you enjoyed the most.

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