Describe a stage in your life that you enjoyed the most.

Describe a stage in your life that you enjoyed the most.

General line – All of the individuals consider that best stage of their life is when they were child. Because during that time period they make some unforgettable memories. Today, I have got this privilege(chance) to divulge(unveil) about a particular stage of my life that was truly joyful for me.

What stage was?

Well, it was when I was studying at school especially when I was in 10th standard. Because at that time me and my companions used to play together at the school. But now we all are swamped(overwhelmed) because we are focusing more on making our carries rather than interacting like those days.

What did you like to do back then?
Back then, with whom did you enjoy the most?

Moreover, in our school, I was class monitor and back-bencher simultaneously(on the same time). All of the troubles were made by me and my friends and that are really so memorable for me. Whenever I get free time a wave of nostalgia starts hitting me about that stretch of time when I was so carefree in my life.

And explain why really like the stage?

Furthermore, carrying Tiffin box which is made by mother is such a blessing. And I precisely remember how my mom used to prepare lunch box for me.. But, nowadays I am living far away from my home due to my job so I really miss the way my mother used to give me Tiffin box. I was really so lucky because that stage of my life was that much beautiful. I wish I could go back in the past and enjoy that moment once again.

Describe a stage in your life that you enjoyed the most.

Describe something that surprised you.

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