Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often

Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often

General line :- it is generally said that our cloths tell a lot about us that who we are. Well grooming is very important to look attractive.

  • What it is

Here I have got this privilege to describe about a piece of clothing that I like to wear usually. It is nothing other than black T-shirt.

  • How often you wear it

I often wear it on my daily basis. As it is of cotton and I feel very relaxed when I wear this T-shirt. Especially in summers when I feel suffocated in other stuffs than I prefer to wear it.

  • What it is like

As I have told you earlier that it is black in color. Apart from this it has two pockets on the upper side, which are very useful for me. As I can carry my cash and other minor things in these pockets and keep them handy.

  • Explain why you like to wear it

I like to wear it because black color suits my personality and it is kind of my go-to-attire. I usually wear it with trouser and it enhances my personality. Moreover, I always get many compliments from my friends when I wear this T-shirt. So this was all that I could say about a piece of clothing I wear most often.

Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often

Describe an achievement or success you are proud of.

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