Describe a place/ country in which you would like to live/ work for a short period of time.

Describe a place/ country in which you would like to live/ work for a short period of time.

Introduction :– Well, there are many beautiful places to live. People go from one place to another to explore new things. Here, I would like to shed some light on the country in which I want to live for a short period of time.

  • Where would you like to live/work

It is nothing other than China. It is very beautiful country. The culture and geography of this country is very fascinating. It also contains lot of history. There were many worriers in ancient times from this country. Moreover, I am eagerly waiting to visit in this country.

  • What do you want to do there

I want to explore many things there. I want to gain knowledge about its art, culture, language, history and many more. Moreover, there are also many museums which contain lot of historical things I want to see that stuff. I’m also fascinated by its different types of food. I want to try all of them.

  • When would you like to go there

I’m planning with my family members to visit China in winter. As, in winters the weather is probably cool in China which is right time to explore this country.

  • Why you want to live there

There are many reasons that I want to live in this country for short period of time. First and foremost, I want to interact with its native people and want to learn about their unique culture. I will also gain some knowledge about its historical significance.

Describe a place/ country in which you would like to live/ work for a short period of time.

Describe your experience when you changed your school/college.

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