Describe your experience when you changed your school/college.

Describe your experience when you changed your school/college.

Introduction :- Well, school is a place where students go to learn and educate themselves. Many a times people change their school due to different situations. I have also studied in two schools. Here I’m going to shed some light on the time when I changed my primary school.

  • When you changed

I vividly remember that when I was in my 6th standard I changed my school.

  • Why you changed

Actually, my father is a police officer. We used to live in Amritsar. However, my father got transferred to Jalandhar.  So, he decided to shift here with the whole family and I had to change my school.

  • How was your experience

Well, in Jalandhar I got admission in DIPS school. At the first day, I was very nervous as, it was my first day and I was totally unfamiliar with whole things. To be honest, on the first day I was unable to find my class and I was very nervous. Then I met a student I sought for some help to find my class. Although, the first day at the school was very hectic but after some days I got familiar with the staff and students. As, I have an extrovert personality I made many friends in couple of days.

Conclusion: All in all it was a totally new experience for me to shift from one place to another. In the new school I learned many new things.

Describe your experience when you changed your school/college.

Describe something you taught to your friend/relative.

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