Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar with.

Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar with.

General line – As , I live in a country side area so I am familiar with number of crops. Even they are the source of income for some people. Today, I have got this opportunity(chance) to talk about one of tr crops that I know very well.

What it is and where it grows?

Well, India is a diverse country like rice, maize, pulses and millet. But the most commonly grown is wheat because it does not take excessive time to be grown. As far as my knowledge is concerned, mainly wheat is grown in the month of October and November and gets harvested in March.

How you became familiar with it?
What you like or dislike about it?
Why it is important for your country?

Moreover, there is one very famous event of farmers named ‘’VAISAKHI’’. It is the paramount(important) event for them because it signifies the beginning of harvesting season. All above, it gives energy and required vitamins to body. So, on the daily basis people eat it in the form of chapatti. Moreover, as I am a health conscious person, so I daily have bread of wheat because it gives me protein which helps me to build my muscles as well as it is rich in fibre. The bottom line is that, wheat is exported from India to many other nations. Because wheat cultivation has traditionally been dominated by northern part of India. And without any doubt the veracity(accuracy) is that due to the wheat shipment the economy of our country is increasing.

Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar with.

Describe a fishing area.

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