Describe a time when you did not tell friend the whole truth.

Describe a time when you did not tell friend the whole truth.

General line- If the outcomes of keeping any secret hidden are good, then it should not be confided. Today I have got this privilege(chance) to unveil(reveal) about a particular time when I did not reveal the fact to my friend.

When it was?

Well, I have memory like an elephant so I precisely remember, when I was studying in 12th standard, a tour to Himachal was organized by our teachers.

Who this friend was?

I was tremendously(very) curious to go there. Because I never ever got that kind of opportunity before in my life. Students had to pay two thousand rupees for that tour. My best friend, was not willing to go along with us because he was unable to pay for tour because his financial circumstances were not good.

Why you did not tell this friend the whole truth?

To be honest, I did not want to go without my best friend. Then what I did, I paid his fee to staff member and told to my friend that students who got top position in class 10th they can go without paying. Yes it was not reality but I wanted to see my friend happy at costs.

Explain how you felt about it?

And legit he was so happy. I told to my teacher to not confide my lie in the front of him. And they acted accorded to that with my friend. Because he was topper in the class. Really, this was the ecstatic(happy) moment for me. Because I saw first time colossal mountains along with my friends and we clicked enormous pictures there.

Describe a time when you did not tell friend the whole truth.

Describe a boat journey that you have ever taken.

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