Describe a time when you lost something important ?

Describe a time when you lost something important ?

General line – Well, usually I don’t loss my belongings because I always stay attentive. If accidentally something gets lost then I try find it at all costs. Today, I have got this opportunity(chance) to unveil(reveal) about a particular time when I lost my mobile phone.

What did you lose?
How did you lose it?

Well, as I have memory like an elephant so I precisely remember. A few months ago, my uncle gifted me a smart phone which was exorbitant in cost. After that, I and my family went for enjoying vacations to kedarnath. As it is one of the eminent(famous) places so there was a huge crowd. I started trekking over there and apart from me there were other devotees to who were trekking. Then, suddenly it started raining over there. After this I took shelter in a shop and someone silently robbed my new phone over there.

Where did you find it?

I realized this thing after a while. And then, I started freaking out at that moment because I was unable to contact with my parents. Even my phone was very precious for my because it was gifted to me. Moreover, I decided that I should seek for a solution now instead of giving up.. Then an idea popped in my mind, I requested to shopkeeper for the CCTV footage of that time when I lost my mobile. When I saw the video, I got to know about that, a teenager stole my device. Luckily that shopkeeper knew him. Then, I went to that child’s home and saw my phone in his hands. To be honest, I did not shout at him because he was not enough mature. I simply asked him why did you steal my mobile, then he got emotional and said my financial circumstances are not good. Then he returned my phone as well as I got pity on him so I gave him a little money.

How did you feel about it?

At the end of the day I was at peace because I found my lost mobile phone and I helped a child too.

Describe a time when you lost something important ?

Describe a time when you were too much busy?

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