Describe a time when you talked in a foreign language.

Describe a time when you talked in a foreign language.

General line – As being a multi-lingual person, I have curiosity to speak distinct(different) languages because in this way I am able to communicate with the people from different places. Today, I have got this
privilege(chance) to unveil(reveal) about a particular moment when I talked in a foreign language.

Where were you?
Who were you with?

Well, I have control on many languages. Predominantly(mainly) I speak in Punjabi and English over other languages. As I have memory like an elephant, so I precisely remember, once a Skype session was held by our school through which students could talk with foreigners. I was tremendously(very) curious about it, then I took part in this and I had conversation with a native of foreign country. There was a twist, I had to find about, from where he belongs by getting some hints and noticing his slangs. After that, I just started having conversation with a man and he was speaking English not in a rapid pace he was putting stress on some words, from here I was making an assumption like he is from America. It was a nice conversation of 10 minutes.

What did you talk about?

Throughout the talk he spoke very loud and as I have watched some American movies in which the character’s pitch was also too loud. Even he was showing smile while talking, at the end I asked him about his favorite food, then he told me that he enjoys burgers from McDonald’s. Then I got certainty, like he is definitely from the USA because mostly Americans are fond of McDonald because it was firstly made over there. Then I marked he is from America and I got price from our school in the next day.

Explain how you felt about it?

Truly I felt as happy as Larry not only because I got an award but also I got that opportunity to talk with a foreigner. And really he was so polite while having conversation and he asked me too about my likes and dislikes, eventually he gave me compliment about my way of speaking because my grammar is strong.

Describe a time when you talked in a foreign language.

Talk about a recent activity that made you happy.

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