Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.

Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.

General line – As India is a diverse country so without any doubt the veracity(accuracy) is that there are tremendous(many) attractions and all of the them are worth giving a try. Today, I have got this opportunity(privilege) to share my experience when I had been to a particular place of interest.

What this tourist attraction is?
When and why you visited it?

Well, as I have memory like an elephant so I precisely remember, a few months ago me and my family were planning to go somewhere. We all had dilemma like where you should we visit, ultimately we chose one tourist attraction for enjoying weekend. It is nothing other than Haveli which is merely stone’s throw away from our home. Legit when we reached there, the first glance of that place was more stupendous(very impressive) as compared to my speculation. Rather we all were marveled(astonished). Because it resembled to kind of old and royal building. It was decorated with marvelous stuff. And unlike other places, there staff members wore a typical Punjabi clothes and greeted us in a polite manner.

What you did there?

Moreover, on the daily basis visitors come there in thousands from the distinct(different) parts of the world. From that day I started considering that if someone actually wants to know about the actual beauty of Punjab, then Haveli must be take into consideration. As it was weekend when we visited there, so a competition of pushups was held over there. And who could hit 100 pushups that one person could get the chance of winning discount coupon of 70% on every item of the menu. Then I took part into that because I am as fit as fiddle. So at that moment I hit more than 100 pushups and felt as happy as larry(very happy). I clicked so many pictures too, even I got to know many things about the Punjabi culture over there that I never knew before.

Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.

Describe a noisy place you have been to.

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