Describe an article which you have read about health.

Describe an article which you have read about health.

General line – As being a bookworm(book lover), in the journey of my life I have read tremendous articles in order to hone(sharpen) my knowledge especially regarding physical well being. Today, I have got this privilege(chance) to unveil(reveal) about a particular piece of writing about health that I have read.

What was it?
When you read it?
Where did you read it?
Why did you read it?
Why do you think it was an interesting read?

As i have memory like an elephant so I conspicuously remember, a few months ago I visited to a dentist where I had to wait for a long time and there were number of newspapers which I decided to read while waiting for my turn. One article fascinated me tremendously(greatly) which was all about how to be fit as fiddle. Through that piece of writing I got to know about that people in the USA live a fit and healthy life in the entire world because they avoid the sedentary(here: without any movement) lifestyle. Moreover, there were some tips for maintaining a superior health. Like not only vigorous(healthy) exercise is necessary for healthy lifestyle but also perfect meal is important. Because healthy diet plays an imperative(important) role for increasing life expectancy. Furthermore, after reading that article till now I did not skip my breakfast because there it was mentioned that day’s initial meal gives energy to all of us for doing intensive tasks so it should not be avoided. In addition to this, there were some healthy food recipes written so people could have good diet along with doing workout.

Describe an article which you have read about health.

Describe a café you like to visit.

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